Anonymous ID: 1cbb2a Dec. 13, 2018, 4:12 p.m. No.4300822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0841 >>0848 >>0963 >>1092 >>1148 >>1176 >>1200 >>1218 >>1221 >>1284


In middle school I had a poster of Hawking on the ceiling above my bunk bed. I used to talk to him at night, since I was bullied a lot and wasn't very social.


Over time, Stephen began to talk back to me and became a great source of comfort.


When I reached puberty, that comfort turned sexual. For years, I couldn't climax without looking at Hawking's Jack Skelington looking face, and there were several times where I'd put a science program on, drape my leg across the bedrail and just fucking go to town on myself until it either hurt too much to continue or I passed out from exertion.


To this day I still will turn on the Science channel and if Stephen is there, I get very hard very quickly.


3 days ago I purchased a vintage Speak & Spell on eBay to use as a mastrubation aid.