Anonymous ID: 26b1d1 Dec. 13, 2018, 4:32 p.m. No.4301151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1326 >>1392

>>4299620 (notable lb)

>If we take the hearing at its face value, the whistleblowers submitted evidence 4 times and only recently did anyone at DOJ take notice.


>This would indicate that an investigation into the CF is relatively new and that Huber and his crew have not been "on it" very long.


>Repeated submissions of letters and evidence go unheeded until recently- the 757s going to Little Rock being the only reliable indicator of something going on.


Give me a fucking break, of course Hubers been investigating the Clintons, just cause he doesn't talk to some bounty hunters don't mean squat. Hubers got what, 400 some attorneys, he doesn't need these profiteers jumping in the middle of his investigation and getting rich off it.