Anonymous ID: 39445f Dec. 13, 2018, 4:23 p.m. No.4301019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1029 >>1101


Correct. Regardless of personal flaws, there were a few good MAGA types that had to leave due to (((their))) actions within the administration doing what they were tasked to do: isolate white first America first Americans (white men with fire in their hearts), trip rest over with muh civility/morals/etc and generally kiking the living shit out of the administration until powerful white men with hatred to fight against (((them))) are replaced by limp dick pavlov's dog types that can't even defend their own families against others.


huffpo was the one that ran the article and obviously ZH was trying to propagate it, so it's got multiple angles. no one knows kush's angle but he most certainly is jew first. On the other hand, one can keep saying 'look at the bigger picture'.


No one is going to look at the bigger picture and follow someone when their own race, family, nations and being insulted, raped, victimized, and killed by groups that are apparently going untouched by this administration.


muslims, jews, spics, nigs, anyone actually aggressing against us and saying shit that cannot be slid without lethal and vicious response (rape, killing, extermination, summary executions). none of these are facing any reprecussions, including that fucking whore of a somali muzzy bitch in mn and the nigger pieces of shit muzzies up there.


If Q team is wondering why there is less 'fire' and why they lost the house in midterms, and why the enemy is not going down faster, it is because they (to the people that elected them) seem to be concerned with the bigger picture and are unwilling/cannot act against these piece of shits that are killing us.


Yes, all we do, those who are just trying to survive, is bitch, moan, and do what little we can to simply live.

(((they))) tell the admin we are useless and a burden.

(((they))) shill daily against us, against the admin personnel, against our president.

(((they))) kill us, insult us, and aggress against daily and if we beat them to death for being niggers, shitskins, spics, muzzies, kikes, we are 'racists'.


because we are not supposed to fight.

because, per Q, we are 'racists'.


Q team is overestimating the endurance of the people (numbers dwindling daily who can actually fight the real fight).


What do I want for Christmas?

People who are more effective at killing our enemies than killing us and telling Americans and white people they are evil for doing whatever they need to advance ourselves above others in our own damned nations.

Telling us we are 'racists' for killing those who aggress against us and demanding the death of those who are trying to kill us and insult us.


Were the girls of rotherham too 'intolerant' and 'not seeing the bigger picture'?


No one will follow those who are conjoined with those killing us.


>inb4 msm shills against kushner precisely to elicit this response


yes, we fucking know.

nothing will change the fact that kushner's a fucking sick jew first piece of shit that is the enemy of any straight thinking western people anywhere.


fucking sick piece of shits and delusional 'patriots' ignoring them.


People are not so flippant about such direct aggression against the basic foundation of dignity which can never tolerate such actions.


(((shills))) trying to control all angles and Patriots in despair because we are told we should not kill.


Let us kill, or be killed. Enough.

Anonymous ID: 39445f Dec. 13, 2018, 4:29 p.m. No.4301098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1133 >>1150


I can understand leading the enemy by the nose.

I can understand the way this needs to be played.

Only thing I can say is that non-whites will only follow power, and will bend to power.

No one voted for DJT in 2016 because 'unity' as it will be understood by 90% of the problematic demographic.

They did not keep quiet because they were convinced to be peaceful.

They did anything they do because they were scared shitless and thought they were going to get killed/raped/hunted like they should be.

Like those muzzies in mn.


You want results?

Bring absolute violence upon our enemies and erase every last venue of their resistance.

(((they))) must be broken for our nations to survive.

Anonymous ID: 39445f Dec. 13, 2018, 4:40 p.m. No.4301250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1303


also, 'people' are fucking cowards.


you want to save our nations and peoples?


excercise power and fuck the 'votes'.

People will acknowledge those who protect our children, advance our interests, and humiliate and destroy our enemies.


Fuck the 'votes' in this case. Personally I don't give a flying fuck if republicans started stuffing all the ballot boxes in the country.


I am most certainly for breaking down the door of every synagogue and mosque and executing subversive shits and foreign enemies that are trying to influence our nations.


People are not seeing friends in the admin staff members.


They see the likes of bannon and kelly, regardless of their personal faults and anguish driven (justifiably so) lack of 'tolerance' being driven out and getting kiked out, and fucking kush and jews setting shit up to isolate, enrage, enstrange Americans from the president and essentially making them combat ineffective and doing all (((they))) can to set them on a collision course with potus by manipulating absolutely understandable rage and anxiety regarding the state of our 'reality' today.


muzzies out, jews, out and neutered.

3rd world shits being driven out from our nations.

making our nations white and prosperous again.

All people are seeing right now in certain aspects is that our 'patriots' seem to be grooming the rest of the population and handing them to the NWO on a silver platter (psychologically and spiritually).


'unity' is the word I would have avoided given what is being done to western people right now.


Our people want to see dead enemies, humiliated and violated muslims, and jews being thrown out of seats of power, not fucking kiking their way through the administration or in society and being allowed to speak.


Want fire back? Start killing our enemies.

Anonymous ID: 39445f Dec. 13, 2018, 4:50 p.m. No.4301388   🗄️.is 🔗kun


People follow their natural priority, especially minorities in the west that has nothing to gain from 'unity' and everything to gain from aggressing against white people and western people.


Nobody's interested in saving the world at the expense of western civilization, nor are they interested in redefining western civilization and people's priorities by (((their))) kiked out delusional 'civic' standards.


No one will follow those who do not hold western people's basic racial interests at heart.


>throw em a bone, said the jew in the admin


we know and we are sick of (((them))) playing POTUS and others.

muzzies expelled, violated, humiliated and their very base of reality broken and shattered, driven out of our nations under barrels of guns and in chains.

jews driven OUT of power, no more jewish influence anywhere.

the shills and soros types have engaged in full 24/7 psyop to subvert the population since 2016, and it is effective for one reason.

it appeals to natural priorities while Q's ways have no incentive or value to those who are killing or taking advantage of us.


(((they))) know that if everything happens per Q as we see it now, it is the end of the west and its people as we knew it.

because it isn't ever about 'good' or 'morals'.

it's about power and ability to protect that which is yours.