The federal reserve is insolvent. There is no money to confiscate. In fact, one of the laws resulting from the 2008 financial crisis says John Q. Public must foot the bill for any loss the federal reserve incurs. This seems like an obstacle to the Trump administration, should they truly wish to end the fed and bring back gold and silver as the currency.
The term "stimulate [the] economy" means inflate (devalue) the currency. The entire reason to have a gold and silver backed currency is as a hedge against inflation, i.e. a stable market. It's basically never desirable for the government to "stimulate the economy" by flooding the market with cheap currency. The federal reserve should've been dismantled after the world wars. World war is about the only time it could be advantageous to debase your currency–assuming you conquer enough wealth back quick enough before the market starts to correct the prices. It's a hell of a gamble, and generally, it never pays off.