Anonymous ID: 850109 Dec. 13, 2018, 6:52 p.m. No.4303067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3139 >>3148 >>3638

Congress Hid Illegal Legislation in Farm Bill to Further Support Horrific Genocide in Yemen and It Passed


Hiding the provision in a Farm Bill, the House passed an insidious piece of legislation that will facilitate perpetual war and genocide in Yemen.


Yesterday, Congress violated the Constitution and the War Powers Act by voting to block and further moves by Congress, to withdraw U.S. forces from the wholesale slaughter and genocide currently taking place in Yemen. This move was done using the Farm Bill.


Many Americans are wondering what, exactly, a Farm Bill has to do with genocide in Yemen. The answer to that question is absolutely nothing. However, it does make for a good hiding place for insidious and illegal legislation, which is why the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 contained a section which removed the application of the War Powers Resolution.


As the mainstream media reported on the government finally legalizing a plant—industrial hemp—that should have never been illegal in the first place, one of the most disgusting moves ever by Congress was carried out in the dark like cockroaches.


“To avoid a debate on whether the US should be involved in a war in Yemen, today our leadership will trick members into suspending the provisions of the War Powers Act,” tweeted representative Thomas Massie yesterday morning. “Sad!” he said. “Despicable” that House Speaker Paul Ryan “is shirking responsibility for debating our involvement in the Yemen war by hiding the war resolution in a procedural vote on the farm bill.”

Anonymous ID: 850109 Dec. 13, 2018, 6:53 p.m. No.4303086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3186 >>3385 >>3565 >>3658

Private Investigators Tell House Subcommittee That Clintons Could Owe Hundreds of Millions in Taxes


WASHINGTON—Two financial investigators say they have submitted thousands of documents to the IRS that they believe show the Clinton Foundation, founded by Bill and Hillary Clinton, potentially evaded paying millions if not billions of dollars in taxes, a House subcommittee on government operations heard Dec. 13.


Lawrence Doyle and John Moynihan of DM Income Advisors said they first submitted their complaints to the IRS office in Ogden, Utah, in August 2017.


“We filed a claim of probable cause that the foundation operated outside the bounds of its approval that came from the IRS,” Moynihan said.


They looked at the foundation’s tax returns, other publicly available data, and interviewed several foundation employees. They tried to match what was being spent on charitable giving and how much was set aside for things such as travel, salaries, and administration expenses.


“We attempted to reconcile all those donations with expenses. The basis of our claim is that we were unable to do that,” said Moynihan.


Among other things, they found that about 60 percent of the foundation’s income was spent on things like salaries, travel, and grants. Moynihan said he believed a good charity would only spend about 15 percent on such things.


Rather than a charity, Doyle and Moynihan called the foundation a “closely held partnership.”


Further, they said they reviewed some emails that showed the Clintons had been approved to accept funds for Bill Clinton’s presidential library but were in talks with potential donors about health programs that weren’t part of the library’s mission, according to the articles of incorporation.


Based on their research, Doyle and Moynihan believe the Clintons owe between $400 million and $2.5 billion in taxes; if the IRS finds that the foundation isn’t a charity, its donors might also be liable for taxes owed on their contributions. They also said that, while not looking for this specifically, they did find instances of “pay-to-play” behavior between the donors, the foundation, and Hillary Clinton’s position as secretary of state, which she held from 2009 to 2013.


Based on an interview with a former employee, they said Bill Clinton regularly “mixed and matched, on an ongoing basis, his business with that of the foundation.”

Anonymous ID: 850109 Dec. 13, 2018, 6:54 p.m. No.4303099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3107 >>3186 >>3385 >>3565 >>3658

Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers $155 billion per year… building a wall could pay for itself almost immediately


n a press conference with the President, Democratic leaders in the House and Senate, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, declared that a $5 billion border wall is a waste of money. It’s nothing for the Democrats to approve $150 billion in spending and send it all to Iran, but when it comes to doing something for the safety and security for the people of the United States, it’s a “waste of money.”


And, according to a 2017 cost analysis by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers $155 billion annually. If the U.S. built a stronger border wall and enforced immigration laws, then the wall would pay for itself almost immediately and begin saving the country tens of billion of dollars each year.

Illegal immigration imposes a net fiscal burden on U.S. taxpayers


When an American earns their paycheck, they pay out a percentage to local, state, and federal taxes. Illegal immigrants, on the other hand, find ways not to pay taxes, while still taking advantage of systems that taxpayers fund. This is just one of the reasons why strong border protection and enforcement of legal immigration laws is so desperately needed. Illegal immigration drains the resources out of the country, putting a financial burden on all the Americans and legal immigrants who already pay their fair share.


By investing $5 billion into a strong border wall, the U.S. taxpayer could likely see future tax breaks because the costs of illegal immigration would start to go down. FAIR’s cost analysis found that the total expenditures for illegal immigration is $45,870,474,332 at the federal level and $88,992,981,032 at the state and local level. The amount that illegal immigrants pay into the system at the federal level is a meager $15,447,897,700 and $3,520,960,000 at the state and local level. After doing the math, illegal immigration imposes a net fiscal burden of (115,894,597,664)USD.


This means that the U.S. recoups only 14 percent of the amount expended annually on illegal aliens, leaving everyone else to foot the bill. These are lost funds, which if recouped, could be put into healthcare, schools, veterans, small business, and programs that actually help legal immigrants.

Other serious costs of illegal immigration


This cost analysis does not even include other expensive factors such as:

• American jobs lost

• How commerce is affected due to remittance

• The diseases that are introduced into communities

• Women and children who are raped and murdered by gangs

• The cost of illegal drugs that are trafficked through


Open borders have a ripple effect throughout communities in the United States. Law enforcement have to tackle more drug, violence, and child trafficking problems than ever before. A $5 billion border wall is an investment into the lives of the people who live, work and play in the United States. Will a wall fix all the problems with a broken immigration system? Likely no, but the wall will help ensure the safety and security of Americans for generations to come. Migrant caravans cannot pour into the country and demand that U.S taxpayers foot the cost. This is an unsustainable way to run a country and is a disservice to the people who live and work in the U.S.


Charitable aid is a great thing, but the U.S. should not be disrespected and abused by the rest of the world. In order for the U.S. to continue to be an inclusive country, we must first protect our borders and establish a merit-based system for those who want to come in legally. Open borders cost billions of dollars — and they cost lives.

Anonymous ID: 850109 Dec. 13, 2018, 6:55 p.m. No.4303116   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“You’re Worth $1 Trillion. Why Do You Need Our $3 Billion?” Angry New Yorkers Confront Amazon Execs at City Council Meeting


After being kept in the dark about New York’s $3 billion deal with Amazon, allowing the trillion-dollar corporation to build its new headquarters—complete with helicopter landing pad for CEO Jeff Bezos—in the Queens neighborhood of Long Island City, concerned New York City Council members and scores of angry New Yorkers on Wednesday angrily confronted company representatives over the plan.


At the first City Council meeting on Amazon’s so-called “HQ2,” about 150 protesters joined the mostly-Democratic lawmakers in slamming the closed-door process through which the city and state finalized the deal and the effect the corporation’s arrival will likely have on affordable housing and community development in Queens and the entire city, as New York pours much-needed funds into the new one million square foot campus.


“You’re worth a trillion dollars,” New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson said bluntly to Amazon officials Brian Huseman and Holly Sullivan. “Why do you need our $3 billion when we have crumbling subways, crumbling public housing, people without health care, public schools that are overcrowded?”


Amazon has said its arrival in New York will create 25,000 jobs for residents—a claim one protester derided as “smoke and mirrors” during the hearing—and has promised to fund a new school that would serve just 600 of the city’s school children.


Huseman, Amazon’s vice president for public policy, noted that 5,000 New York workers are already employed by the company at a fulfillment center on Staten Island—but as the hearing was underway those same employees were publicizing their effort to unionize, citing long hours, insufficient breaks, and safety concerns on the job.


The HQ2 deal was brokered by state and city officials including Gov. Andrew Cuomo, New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio, and the Economic Development Corporation, headed by James Patchett. The officials bypassed public land use reviews which would have required the input of the City Council, including member Jimmy Van Bramer, who represents Long Island City’s 68,000 residents.


“James, you disrespected this body with how you handled this process,” Van Bramer told Patchett. “I think it’s fundamentally unethical with what you have done. You should be ashamed of yourself.”


The councilman also called on Amazon, whose CEO is the richest person on the planet, to simply build the headquarters with its own money and redirect the funds to public housing developments in the neighborhood.


Outside City Hall, State Assemblyman Ron T. Kim led protesters in a rally, calling the hearing a “first step” in holding Amazon accountable to the people of New York.


“Our current state, all of the hatred, all of the divisiveness that we are feeling right now on the ground—those are symptoms of a deeper problem. Of an economy that has been failing us for 40, 50 years,” Kim said. “When the economy is failing we give trillions of dollars to big banks, when the economy is booming we’re giving billions of dollars to mega-corporations…There’s an opportunity right now to undo this. Unrig the system. This is the first step—getting clarity, transparency, and focusing on the process.”


As rumors swirled last month about HQ2, just before Amazon announced that it would build one campus in New York and one in Arlington, Virginia, Kim joined former attorney general candidate Zephyr Teachout in warning against welcoming the company to New York, referencing the skyrocketing home prices and community erosion that’s resulted from Amazon’s presence in Seattle.


“If Amazon indeed locates a substantial part of its business in New York, serfdom is the style of ‘partnership’ the city should expect,” Kim and Teachout wrote in a New York Times op-ed. “Despite the familiar promises, Amazon is not a good partner. Not for the cities it occupies, not for the merchants who depend on it, not for the workers it employs. The company does not seek partnership; it seeks control. Seattle’s experience shows that becoming dependent on Amazon did not lead to broader wealth; it has pushed up home prices and led to increased homelessness. Amazon also threw its political weight around in the city, spending millions in a brutal campaign to resist corporate taxes in Seattle.


“It would be a special insult in New York City to sell out to a company so closely identified with squashing small merchants, stifling workers’ rights, and undermining the publishing and ideas industry,” they added.

Anonymous ID: 850109 Dec. 13, 2018, 6:56 p.m. No.4303130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3186 >>3385 >>3565 >>3658

Whistleblowers: Clinton Foundation Operated Outside Bounds of Non-Profit – Brokered Money and Pharmaceuticals


The House Oversight Subcommittee on Government Operations held a hearing on Capitol Hill Thursday on the Clinton Foundation.


Mark Meadows (R-NC), the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, led the hearing Thursday — special prosecutor John Huber was a NO-SHOW.


The whistleblowers, Lawrence Doyle of DM Income Advisors and John Moynihan of JFM Associates, argued that according to their research, the Clinton Foundation was operating outside of its bounds as a 501c3 non-profit organization and instead operated exactly like the global fund in Geneva, Switzerland by brokering money and pharmaceuticals.


Mr. Moynihan also stated that 60% of the donations going to the Clinton Foundation were used for “administration fees” which is a stark difference from the industry norm of 10-15% for admin fees.


“The investigation clearly demonstrates that the [Clinton] Foundation was not a charitable organization per se, but in pointed fact was a closely held family partnership,” Mr. Doyle said.


Doyle continued, “As such, it was governed in a fashion in which is sought in large measure to advance the personal interests of its principles as detailed within the financial analysis…and further confirmed within the supporting documentation and evidence.”


Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) asked the whistleblowers to elaborate on their claims the Clinton Foundation was operating as an agent of a foreign government.


“They were brokering money and they were brokering pharmaceuticals — they were an agent of money through these donors, they would take a vig (fee), broker the money and then they negotiated these relationships with the pharmaceutical companies — by the same token they were brokering the pharmaceuticals and again taking the vig (fee),” Doyle said.


Mr. Moynihan then explained to Congressman Jordan that the Clinton Foundation became a hybrid of a private foundation and a public charity which they were not approved to do.


In a shocking admission, Mr. Moynihan said, “Our analysis shows that this hybrid modeled the global fund in Geneva, Switzerland.” WOW!


The Clinton Foundation was doing all of this and not paying the same taxes as they would had they been operating as a partnership which means they potentially misled the IRS.

Anonymous ID: 850109 Dec. 13, 2018, 7:06 p.m. No.4303288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3385 >>3565 >>3658

Planned Parenthood ‘Proud’ To Stand With Women’s March Amid Anti-Semitism Controversy


Planned Parenthood is standing by left-wing activist group Women’s March, despite repeated accusations of anti-Semitism.

Women’s March’s leaders have had ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan for years.

An investigation by Tablet magazine revealed Women’s March leaders making anti-Semitic remarks and using Nation of Islam members for their security.


Planned Parenthood is standing by Women’s March, even as accusations of anti-Semitism roil the left-wing activist group.


An investigation published by Tablet Magazine on Monday revealed Women’s March leaders repeatedly made anti-Semitic remarks, including spreading conspiracy theories about Jews being responsible for the slave trade.


The investigation also revealed that ties between Women’s March leaders and Nation of Islam — a notoriously racist and anti-Semitic organization — go even deeper than previously known.


But Planned Parenthood is proudly standing with Women’s March, Planned Parenthood communications director Erica Sackin said in a statement to left-wing website Refinery29 on Thursday.


“Over the last two years, we’ve seen unprecedented attacks on our health and rights from the Trump-Pence administration. The Women’s March has become a symbol of our collective resistance to these damaging and discriminatory policies and Planned Parenthood is proud to once again, join our progressive partners for the #WomensWave mobilization to protect and advance the progress we’ve made as a movement dedicated to equity and justice for all people,” Sackin said.


The hashtag “#WomensWave” refers to Women’s March’s third annual march against President Donald Trump’s administration.

Anonymous ID: 850109 Dec. 13, 2018, 7:12 p.m. No.4303384   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Past Their Sell-By Dates, Merkel and May Cling on to Power with Plot and Process


UK Prime Minister Theresa May has promised parliamentary colleagues she would not fight the next British general election, a price paid for her short-term political survival also employed by Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel.


The two world leaders, overtaken by events of their own making, within their own control, but beyond their competence now rely on party processes and hastily made deals to sustain them beyond what their rivals see as their natural points of departure.


Germany’s Merkel sowed the seeds of her own demise in 2015 when reacting to emerging illegal migration streams from the Syrian civil war, she declared on the behalf of both her nation and the European Union at large “wir schaffen das” — ‘we can do it’. The ensuring rush at national borders thrown open metastasized into the Europe migrant crisis, and robbed Merkel of her moral authority as a leader, which was expressed in a series of poor election results at the national and local level.


Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU-CSU) party saw their worst national result since 1949 at the 2017 general election, leaving her to form another so-called ‘grand coalition’ with her left-wing opposition to maintain power. The result came among others in Hesse, Bavaria and Berlin which saw record lows for Merkel’s candidates.


Finally concluding her days were numbered, Merkel struck a Faustian pact with the party to give herself years more at the top of German politics. Going against her own previously stated belief that leadership of her party and leadership of the nation should go hand in hand, Dr Merkel gave up leadership of the party but said she would stay chancellor until 2021.

Anonymous ID: 850109 Dec. 13, 2018, 7:24 p.m. No.4303555   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Galatians 5:55


Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.

Anonymous ID: 850109 Dec. 13, 2018, 7:34 p.m. No.4303712   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'm here as we need to fight for each other and this place gives us a platform to reach millions. I support both Q and POTUS but I trust God and tangible evidence not blind hope in MAN.