I wonder if that was a reference to Hollow Earth.. I always ask myself why there are so many politicians visiting Antarctica.. Who cares about a frozen wasteland
I wonder if that was a reference to Hollow Earth.. I always ask myself why there are so many politicians visiting Antarctica.. Who cares about a frozen wasteland
antarctica sightings 4 hints
NK and Antarctica have a lot in common..
Empty wastelands that people seem to care about more than they ought to..
I'm drinking the same thing … Huh
Newt Gingrich talked about it
Why send politicans instead of scientists to Antarctica? Politicians role is to represent the people so who are they representing us to in Antarctica?
Newt Gingrich, Bohemian Grove attendee
I think there might be something very big to c there.
John Kerry (Reported Skull and Bones member)
Hints 4 Antarctica facts