Anonymous ID: 49cc4c Dec. 13, 2018, 7:38 p.m. No.4303762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3777 >>3801 >>3885

NXIVM as Roman numerals adds up to 1016 – or ‘I love Satan’


NXIVM is strangely pronounced the same as the pharmaceutical drug Nexium.


There have been comparisons to mind-control practices within NXIVM and its secretive DOS women’s enslavement society, to the CIA MK Ultra program and Manchurian Candidate mind-control techniques.


The brand burnt into DOS slaves are evidently Keith Raniere’s initials. However, when the brand are rotated 180 degrees it becomes the Egyptian hieroglyph of a pyramid with a landing pad atop! With the eye of RA inside the pyramid.


This suggests that, if deliberate, Raniere had a fascination with pyramidology.


N-X-I-V-M are all Roman numerals.


It is believed that Cabbala, and gematria, an alpha-numerical code system based in ancient Hebrew language, is the code used by some involved in sexual deviancy in Hollywood, politics and elsewhere.


In gematria, NXIVM adds up to 1016.


1016 in Old Jewish Gematria (there is English and a Common Gematria as well), equals the following as interpretations:






Emmanuel Macron Antichrist


President Barack Hussein Obama


Asp Occult Blush Silo


Mutating the Human Genome


I Love Satan


Children US Extinct


Draconian Do Evil


Are Ye Not The Same As I


Me Baal I Hour See


The Supreme Court


(and more)


If that isn’t creepy, nothing is….

Anonymous ID: 49cc4c Dec. 13, 2018, 7:41 p.m. No.4303797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3930 >>4151 >>4154 >>4337 >>4428

Cannibal case: Men jailed after killing and eating parts of young woman for 'traditional medicine'


When a traditional healer walked into a police station in South Africa last year and told officers he was "tired of eating human flesh," the officers struggled to believe his morbid claim.


The first cop called another over to hear what was being said, according to Witness News.


But then Nino Mbatha produced some horrifying evidence.


“He opened the bag and took out what looked like a hand and put it on the counter,” Police constable Ryan Ntshalintshali recalled:


Despite initially thinking it belonged to a doll, officers soon realised it was human – and he also had part of a leg in the pink school bag he was carrying.


Other members of the public at the station fled.


Mbatha then took the police to a one-room house in the town of Estcourt, near the city of Durban, where more body parts were found.


They included what looked like intestines in a bucket and an ear in a dish, according to IOL.


Now Mbatha, 33, as well as another man, Lungisani Magubane, 32, have been given life sentences for murdering 25-year-old woman Zanele Hlatshwayo, and allegedly eating parts of her body,

Anonymous ID: 49cc4c Dec. 13, 2018, 7:43 p.m. No.4303814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4313

Judge relaxes rules for Clare Bronfman to speak with NXIVM members


Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis – the presiding judge in the pending criminal case against Keith Raniere, Clare Bronfman, Allison Mack, Lauren Salzman, Nancy Salzman, and Kathy Russell – has agreed to allow Bronfman and Russell to have contact with some of their NXIVM/ESP colleagues without having their respective attorneys present.


One of the stated conditions of her current pre-trial release is that Bronfman must refrain from directly or indirectly associating or having contact with – “…current or former employees of, independent contractors for, NXIVM (including any and all affiliated entities), any individual that she knows to be a current or former member of DOS, or any individual who is currently, or was formerly, on the (NXIVM) Stripe Path…” unless one of her horde of attorneys is present.


Russell’s pre-trial release has virtually the same condition except that she is not prevented from contacting current or former members of DOS who were not on the Stripe Path.


Both Bronfman and Russell have been allowed to ask for exceptions to the restriction– and the prosecutors have apparently granted several such requests for each of them. But both have complained that the approval process for these kinds of requests is burdensome.


In a 6-page Memorandum & Order handed down earlier today, Judge Garaufis first noted that “…some no-contact condition is necessary to ensure that Bronfman and Russell do not interfere with witnesses, harass victims of the charged enterprise, or collude with their alleged co-conspirators (including their co-defendants”.


Sounds like he’s starting to understand just how NXIVM operates.


He went on to note, however, that the current no-contact provisions are simply too broad because they cover many people who do not fall into any of the following categories: (a) potential witnesses; (b) alleged victims; and/or (c) co-conspirators.


But rather than leaving it up to Bronfman and Russell to decide who they can contact, Judge Garaufis has directed the prosecution “…to submit to the court new no-contact provisions for Bronfman and Russell and an explanation of the need for such conditions. Such conditions may, but are not required to, enumerate individuals that the Government believes Bronfman and Russell should be forbidden from contacting”.


The prosecution has until December 14th to submit that information to the judge.


Once the new proposed no-contact provisions are submitted by the prosecution, Bronfman and Russell will have two-days to submit their response to the court. After reviewing both submissions, the judge will issue his ruling as to the exact wording of the revised no-contact provisions.


Knowing that Bronfman and Russell have been taught by Raniere that “No means Maybe” – and that “Maybe means Yes” – it is highly likely that one or both of them will violate the new no-contact provisions. That’s just the way that long-term NXians tend to operate whenever they’re in this type of situation.

Anonymous ID: 49cc4c Dec. 13, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.4303836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3930 >>4154 >>4337 >>4428

Obama’s Mexican Gunrunning Op Could Help Sinaloa Drug Lord’s Defense


Obama’s scandalous Mexican gunrunning operation could help in the defense of a notorious drug lord on trial in New York and the feds are trying to ban its mention in the courtroom. It’s yet another ripple effect of a shameful Obama experiment known as Fast and Furious that let Mexican drug traffickers obtain U.S.-sold weapons. The failed program was run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) and allowed guns from the U.S. to be smuggled into Mexico so they could eventually be traced to drug cartels. Instead, federal law enforcement officers lost track of hundreds of weapons which were used in an unknown number of crimes, including the murder of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry in Arizona.


Now Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, head of the Sinaloa drug cartel, wants to use Fast and Furious to strengthen his defense. The Sinaloa cartel is one of Mexico’s most powerful criminal organizations and Guzman has been charged with a multitude of crimes, including drug trafficking, illegal firearms, money laundering, and conspiracy. Federal prosecutors say Guzman smuggled enormous amounts of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and marijuana into the U.S. and, as the leader of a multi-national criminal enterprise, used violence—including torture and murder—to maintain an iron-fisted grip on the drug trade across the U.S.-Mexico border. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) refers to Guzman as one of the most dangerous and feared drug kingpins. He was extradited from Mexico last year.


In 2016, Judicial Watch obtained Justice Department documents showing that Fast and Furious weapons have been widely used by members of major Mexican drug cartels, including Guzman. The documents reveal that 94 Fast and Furious firearms have been recovered in Mexico City and 12 Mexican states, with the majority being seized in Sonora, Chihuahua, and Sinaloa. Of the weapons recovered, 82 were rifles and 12 were pistols. Twenty were involved in “violent recoveries,” which means they were utilized in several mass killings. Among them was a .50 caliber rifle seized from Guzman’s hideout in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, where he was eventually arrested. Guzman’s attorneys want to use Fast and Furious as part of the defense strategy, according to a New York newspaper covering the trial, and federal prosecutors are trying to stop it. “They’re asking a federal judge to block any defense questions about the program in which federal agents allowed illegal weapons to flow over the border to Mexico in an effort to gain intelligence on drug cartels,” the article states. Why? Prosecutors assert that, by focusing on the failures of the Fast and Furious (and there are many), Guzman will “distract and confuse the jury.”


The government pulled the same stunt when two of the men involved in Terry’s murder were tried in federal court. A seasoned Border Patrol agent and Marine Corps veteran, Terry was killed by a Mexican gang member in 2010 in Peck Canyon, Arizona. Federal authorities say he was fatally shot when he and other agents encountered a group of men known as a “rip crew” (a criminal gang that attempts to steal from drug and alien smugglers) operating in a rural area north of Nogales. The guns—assault weapons known as AK-47s—were traced through their serial numbers to a Glendale, Arizona dealer that led to a Phoenix man the feds repeatedly allowed to smuggle firearms into Mexico. Six men have been charged with crimes involving Terry’s murder and earlier this year, the assailant was extradited from Mexico. A few years ago, when two members of the rip crew were tried in connection to Terry’s murder, federal prosecutors asked the judge to ban mentioning Fast and Furious during proceedings. The judge agreed, ruling that defendants could not refer to or elicit any testimony regarding the failed gunrunning operation. Terry’s brother, Kent Terry, told Judicial Watch the government wants to keep Fast and Furious out of the limelight for political reasons. “It’s upsetting,” Kent Terry said this week. “If I commit a crime with a gun don’t you think it’s relevant to ask where I got that gun? They’re protecting the criminal.”


Even Mexican media has reported that the Sinaloa drug cartel was able to access more weapons thanks to Operation Fast and Furious. One outlet published an in-depth piece titled “Fast and Furious: Arms for El Chapo” that reveals U.S. intelligence agencies knew from the start that the Sinaloa cartel was the prime recipient of weapons. Regardless, the U.S. continued the operation and lied to the Mexican government, the article states.