Anonymous ID: 543356 Dec. 13, 2018, 7:42 p.m. No.4303807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3816 >>3867 >>3951 >>3999 >>4024 >>4307

Ill try one more time.


Barring any habbenings in next couple weeks, any u fags think 2018 has been glorious?


Doubt it. How about Q answers where the glory is?


He works for us, right?

We, the people.


Why aren’t more anons asking for some fucking..habbenings?


I didn’t claim 18 would be glorious.


Q, what the fuck??


If your fighting for the people, show us some fucking results. Or tell us “timelines change”. Ya know, like after your mystery super fucking parade got moved because of “muh budget”.


Step the fuck up Q.


And before any faggots jump in to “shill” me..


IF Q is legit, nothing any shill says here matters, so why do you care?

Unless Q is bullshit, and your in on it.


Or you are just fucking retarded.


Ill happily be proven wrong.