Anonymous ID: 661622 Dec. 13, 2018, 7:44 p.m. No.4303822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3850

Hello to the night shift (but I am now on my way to sleep.. in europe)


Here is something I just found!


That's what the "Insane Left" just is producing - and with what we will have to deal when trying to redpill our libtard friends!


THey actually belief this!


And they really get upset about dancing children and happy families.


And you know the term "Progtressivism"??

Now good to know - it's an "-ism" !!


Isn't funny, that the same people who are inviting ISLAM to our countries are afraid, that Trump and Russians would found a christian theocracy??


And - really I DO NOT have anything against Gays - but this is just crazy, how these people are obsessed with LGBTs and gay marriage!


So, here it is: SOROS for dummies.


if you want to have a laugh, have a look!


How Russian & U.S. Christians Fight Progressivism | The Russia Desk | NowThis World