Anonymous ID: 69511f Dec. 13, 2018, 8:06 p.m. No.4304124   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If Herr Mueller gets his dick handed to him by the Flynn judge, then POTUS arg re:Cohen lied for relief, goes nuclear and things get dicey for the enemy.

Enemy would have preferred Mueller/Cohen to go off in January, when House investigations (in the works NOW) could have hit the news cycle like an artillery barrage.

If Herr Mueller gets gut punched, by Jan the Cohen shit will be weak as fuck, and the Mueller case falls apart.

I think the CF shit jumped the gun do to impatience, as well as black hat operatives sending signals. I think GHWB funeral a blessing in disguise as both sides we're having morale/organizational issues ( too many "too slow!" Ops on both sides). Sucks so much is riding on this decision. But, as Flynn is a key operator in Q op, makes for a good bit of movie finger bitting. Pray it goes our way, anon's.

I know TL/DR.