Anonymous ID: 533bab Dec. 13, 2018, 8:39 p.m. No.4304510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4715 >>4895 >>5109 >>5182

EU to Publish Details on Preparation for No-Deal Brexit on December 19 – Juncker


The European Commission will publish materials on preparation for the UK withdrawal from the bloc without a bilateral agreement on Wednesday, the commission’s president, Jean-Claude Juncker, said.


"The Commission on the 19th of December will publish all the information that is generally useful for the preparation of a no-deal [Brexit]," Juncker told a press conference after a European Council meeting in Brussels.


Brussels would like London to set out its expectations on the withdrawal within a few weeks, Juncker added.


"In terms of future relationship, our UK friends need to say what they want instead of asking us to say what we want," the official also pointed out.


On Thursday, heads of state and government of 27 EU member states, excluding the United Kingdom, held a meeting on the UK withdrawal process.


The summit took place amid difficulties UK Prime Minister Theresa May is facing with the parliamentary ratification of the agreement her team had negotiated.


The European Council said after the EU27 meeting that the Brexit deal reached by Brussels and London was not subject for renegotiation.

Anonymous ID: 533bab Dec. 13, 2018, 8:42 p.m. No.4304545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5039

Sarah Sanders: ‘Democrats Have to Decide if They Love Our Country More Than They Hate This President’


Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in order to avoid a government shutdown Democrats had to decide “if they love our country more than they hate this president.”


Sanders said, “We will see what happens. The president is committed to making sure that one way or the other, whether it is through Congress or other measures we protect our borders. He is looking at a number of different ways in order to do that. Frankly, it’s just sad the Democrats have changed their positions so much. If you look, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, all of these individuals in the past have supported border security. In fact, Chuck Schumer even said in a public statement that illegal immigration is wrong.”


She continued, “But now that this president is championing the fight and trying to do what is right, you Democrats that simply won’t join in that effort. They voted for it in they voted for the wall and they have changed their minds. That is pretty clear.”


She added, “Democrats have to decide if they love our country more than they hate this president and so far we have seen no indication that they are willing to do that.”

Anonymous ID: 533bab Dec. 13, 2018, 8:48 p.m. No.4304613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4715 >>4895 >>5109 >>5182

French Army Accuse Macron Of “Treason” Over UN Migration Pact



(Lettre au président de la République, à l’initiative du général Martinez)


Mister President,


You are about to sign the “Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration” on 10 and 11 December, which establishes a genuine right to migration. It may impose itself on our national legislation through pre-existing treaties or the principle of common responsibility set out in this pact.


It seems to us that the only sovereignty that will remain with France will consist in freely setting the way in which the objectives of the pact will have to be implemented. You can not give up this new part of the national sovereignty without a public debate whereas 80% of the French population considers that it is necessary to stop or regulate drastically the immigration. By deciding alone to sign this pact, you would add an additional reason for revolt to the anger of an already battered people. You would be guilty of a denial of democracy or treason against the nation.


In addition, the finances of our country are drained and our debt is growing. You can not take the risk of an expensive call for air migration without first showing that you will not have to resort to more taxes to meet the objectives of the pact. On the other hand, you must be able, in terms of security, to curb the consequences linked to the arrival of extra-European populations. Finally, you can not ignore that the very essence of politics is to ensure security on the outside and harmony within. However, this concord can be obtained only if it maintains a certain internal coherence of the society alone capable of allowing to want to do together, which becomes more and more problematic today.


In fact, the French state is late in coming to realize the impossibility of integrating too many people, in addition to totally different cultures, who have regrouped in the last forty years in areas that no longer submit to the laws of the Republic.


You can not decide alone to erase our civilizational landmarks and deprive us of our carnal homeland.


We therefore ask you to defer the signing of this pact and call by referendum the French to vote on this document. You are accountable to the French of your actions. Your election is not a blank.


We support the initiative of General MARTINEZ against the signature of this pact which must be adopted by the Member States of the UN at the Intergovernmental Conference of Marrakech.


General Antoine MARTINEZ

Charles MILLON – Former Minister of Defense

General Marc BERTUCCHI

General Philippe CHATENOUD

General André COUSTOU

General Roland DUBOIS

General Daniel GROSMAIRE

General Christian HOUDET

General Michel ISSAVERDENS

Admiral Patrick MARTIN

General Christian PIQUEMAL

General Daniel SCHAEFFER

General Didier TAUZIN

Colonel Jean Louis CHANAS


Can a French Anon confirm English translation accuracy?

Anonymous ID: 533bab Dec. 13, 2018, 8:52 p.m. No.4304667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4690

Tormented into a guilty plea? Experts denounce US ‘miscarriage of justice’ in Butina case


Maria Butina’s only crime is that she is Russian, legal analysts told RT, attacking the US justice system for keeping her in solitary confinement until she admitted guilt to at least one of the many charges brought against her.


“This is an utter and total miscarriage of justice,” retired CIA agent and whistleblower John Kiriakou told RT after Butina pleaded guilty to the charge of failing to register with the Justice Department as an agent of the Russian government. “You can see clearly, this is not about justice, this is not about criminal activity. This is about making a political point. This is about identifying Russia and Russians as the enemy of the United States, and punishing them.”


“We arrested this young woman because we need dirt on Trump and Russia. And she is Russian, political and pro-Trump,” US legal analyst Jennifer Breedon explained. “We are seeing [the Foreign Agents Registration Act - FARA] being used specifically as it relates to undermining the Donald Trump administration or conservatives really with anybody involved in Russia, friends with Russia or contacts.”


The Russian gun activist was subjected to “unbearable pressure” from US authorities, by being kept in solitary confinement in the Alexandria detention center outside Washington, and only allowed to take an hour-long break from her “cage” per day. John Kiriakou believes this borderline “torture” could have forced her to admit to a crime she might never even have committed.


“This woman is not an enemy combatant. So, unless news surfaces that there was some kind of skirmish or issue within the jail… it seems to go against US policy and laws as to who is forced into solitary confinement, just based solely on the charges that were lodged against her,” Breedon said.


You are kept in a steel cage 23 hours a day. And for what? Because she failed to fill out a form to send to the Justice Department?” Kiriakou pondered. “It is no wonder people in solitary confinement in the United States commit suicide every day.”


Butina, recently a student, was arrested in Washington in mid-July on accusations of secretly working for the Russian government, a claim firmly denied by the Kremlin. Butina now faces up to five years in jail for failure to comply with the FARA, unless she is extradited to Russia.

Anonymous ID: 533bab Dec. 13, 2018, 8:55 p.m. No.4304701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4715 >>4717 >>4725 >>4820 >>4895 >>5109 >>5182

Black South African politician urges followers to 'kill whites', saying: 'We will kill their children and their women'


Andile Mngxitama says for every one black person killed we will kill five whites

The BLF President even claimed cats and dogs owned by whites should die

He claimed the taxi industry was 'killing' black people before a cheering crowd

He defended his remarks which were in response to billionaire Johann Rupert


The leader of a South African political party has called for the killing of white women and children in a row over the taxi industry.


Andile Mngxitama, president of Black First Land First (BLF), was speaking at a rally on the weekend in Potchefstroom near Johannesburg when he made the violent comments.


He tells the cheering crowd: 'For each one person that is being killed by the taxi industry, we will kill five white people.


'For every one black person we will kill five white people.

