Anonymous ID: a8cbc1 Dec. 13, 2018, 9:37 p.m. No.4305083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5099 >>5151

Think for yourself.


Trust yourself.


Research for yourself.


Be in control of yourself.


NEVER let someone else DRIVE YOU.


Those who try to DRIVE YOU are not your friend.




This includes Q, Trump and the Military Intel.

I'm a don't tread on me patriot and am feeling manipulated. Been here from the start. I've been manipulated before, the same way, with patriotism and was proven wrong. The carrot of 'Big day, tomorrow' has grown tired. The bad part is they have known from the beginning they were egging us on — for support. My final conclusion is this is a rich man's game and Trump & buddies are just using us & the fine military to do his/their bidding to muscle in on the cabal. He/they didn't like the direction things were going and saw a way to break in by waving the flag and cleaning up some crime to garner votes. For now he's a better alt. to Hilldog & Obongo, but I just can't get over the manipulation. I understand the concept, but I sense I'm a sheep in a different field being led again. Trump&Co. are too close to the gold & power to not be enticed. It's proven (over&over to infinity) that Trump&Q are together. I don't care about those proofs anymore. I care about proofs that this is all on the up&up, and I think now we're all being deceived. There's no one close to power on the face of the earth today that isn't corrupt. Evil owns this earth. We're just being shuffled around. I'm out.