Anonymous ID: d30094 Dec. 13, 2018, 9:12 p.m. No.4304851   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4304027 (pbs)

KEK…if you see the water go out…run. (unlike the idiots on boxing day who ran into the sea bottom to explore)…ooops.



>TF and Q can't both have the physical server.


If I have to chose which to believe on "having the server" I'm more apt to believe Fitton.


>Thank you! Gotta say you totally helped me out with the mistaken idenity…


Glad to help…my patience with this grows dimmer every day. If this op was meant to give us hope for our country…well yes and no..I suppose it's better to have a balance between left/right NPCs than be controlled solely by the left. The right scares the shit out of me tho…have you been on here during religitard wars? I can't wrap my brain around it…it's like watching a train wreck.


>BIG LIE!!! Must be addressed.


KEK they're retarded….anyone who comes and actually reads will quickly find out that there is antisemtism, and then there's truth. If the truth happens to upset the Jew…fuck them…they need to stop their shit. I'm planning an epic expose on (((WHO))) is running the anti-white campaign when the Q shit dies down and it can be taken in..because there's a very very sly campaign going on…and ANONYMOUS has the sauce. NOT Qanonfags…they're much to programmed to comprehend it.


>Hopefully one day we’ll never have to worry about theses sick fucks anymore


What fairy land do you live in? Do you really think there will be a time when there are no evil people? SRSLY? There are no more evil people than before, we just don't keep those things sekrit anymore. There have always been and always BE evil priests (as an example) but years ago no one said a word because "priest"…in fact, one can look at the outing of priests as evil as part of the erosion of faith…meaning outing them is purposeful…which is both good and bad..back in the day no one dared say a bad word about a priest….and they fucked kiddies without any restraint or punishment…


blind faith is always blind…never ever leave your kid alone with a priest…(inb4muh priest is good…that's what they all say…if all priests were good there would be no raped kids…) Never leave your kids alone with a priest or a preacher or anyone….you simply can't trust ANY of them. Period.

Anonymous ID: d30094 Dec. 13, 2018, 9:22 p.m. No.4304937   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4304351 (pb)

>You are obviously a dimocrat, in the mold of Margaret Sanger loving Hillary.

YOU are obviously a retard…


Unless our welfare system is MASSIVELY overhauled and stops monetizing unbridled breeding…abortion should be fucking free. You don't want your tax dollars to go to abortion…I don't want to feed this twats now 17 kids…and she's just one of many. Margaret Sanger was right. ABORT.


SOMEBODY got to pay…yep…not fucking me. How about yur fucking bleeding heart git your charitable self down there and halp this twat.


VID related


Part 17 kids

Anonymous ID: d30094 Dec. 13, 2018, 9:29 p.m. No.4305004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5053

>>4304396 (pb)

KEK he's just trolling the stupid…if stupid didn't post there'd be nothing stupid to troll but this place is now 99.9999% stupid…so there's a lot of ammo.