Anonymous ID: 53046f Dec. 13, 2018, 11:21 p.m. No.4305876   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just want to encourage you while cautioning at the same time. I even went back on thread to see if I missed something you were getting att.


I saw this guy the other day in Ytube first adding a bunch of numbers together, then pulling whole phrases out of his ass because the phrase he made up fit, with gematria the sum of numbers in POTUS' tweets.


Just want to say follow what Anons do that has worked and what Q has confirmed them doing.


Maybe a MathAnon knows a theorum that says it's okay to add(known) dropped numbers, but it is not alright to divide a (known) number to then get 2 unknown(and not dropped) numbers.


Q's numbers are important. Work from known numbers to get known (past proves future example) numbers. Q has encouraged adding, but not working from division of numbers as far as I've seen.


Having said that, I will never want to have been one to discoursge another from testing a hunch.