Anonymous ID: 6b5696 Dec. 13, 2018, 10:25 p.m. No.4305487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5656

>>4305246 (pb)



Millennials are so very narrow minded self-serving population. But I DO wish you the best. Whatever your final outcome.

Be patient.

Remember:  Everything you think you know…you don't. Up is down, Left is right.

Gee….I'm paraphrasing again…but Q mentioned this.

Prepare yourselves for some very uncomfortable truths.

Its clear to me only a HANDFUL here can bear it. Which is why this well-planned operation is at a crawl's pace. IMO it isn't the beyond-hopeless they're worried about it's a lot of YOU, the ones that say I'M AWAKE!! and want the truth so badly but dig in the heels at specific crossroads. Just like my religious friends and relatives. Just a FULL STOP right at that juncture. Sometimes that indoctrination really STICKS.


Let's all still Question Everything…shall we?


Goodnight Frens. Love you all - No homo