Anonymous ID: bdc313 Dec. 13, 2018, 9:59 p.m. No.4305269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5559 >>5630 >>5748 >>5856

Apologies if this has been covered. I didn’t see it in the past notables. A story today in zero hedge got me thinking. In New Jersey an armored car going along Route 3 began spilling money out of the back. Motorists stopped, greed ensued, other accidents happened…exactly what you’d expect.


You read about these types of things happening from time to time, so no dig deal right?


According to a captain at Brinks, “At this time it appears the armored truck had a malfunction of one of its doors causing it to become unsecured.”


My first thought was, “Some poor schmuck employee is going to lose a job there”, but then surely the money isn’t carried in open baskets back there right? So I watched a quick video on armored trucks. The money gets transported in nylon bags, some of which look like suitcases.


So the door comes open and what? Coincidentally a bag is left wide open? And doesn’t someone sit in back with the cash? It just didn’t pass the smell test. But who benefits?


What if this, and perhaps others like it, are simply diversions for something else going on in the area?


If any anons have experience with armored trucks or can weigh in on whether this sounds legit, I’m willing to listen. Just strange, that’s all.

Anonymous ID: bdc313 Dec. 13, 2018, 10:56 p.m. No.4305745   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks anon. It's good to know that there's a wide variety of experience on this board. So this could be totally legit. Sometimes when ya dig you find a lump of catshit. My bad.

It's lucky nobody got hurt when everyone went full retard…