Anonymous ID: 3582a5 Dec. 14, 2018, 1:35 a.m. No.4306429   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FBIAnon wasnt kidding…

After watching Citizen Fittonzen flex out at CF hearing today, I revisited the memory bank. July 2016. FBIAnon. When asked in October 2016 for keywords in HRC emails, FBIAnon responded with "cards".

Shortly after, Podesta emails drop and Anons spot the odd lingo. With FBIAnon's first thread imploring Anons to dig into Clinton Foundation as a human trafficking megahub, Podesta's emails spawn Pizzagate. Within PGate there was MSM backlash and false flagging, the CF infrastructure revealing itself to be a massive and indomitable rock that could only be chipped away with Anon resilience.

Soon the facade erected to hide this Human Trafficking infrastructure eroded with Trump's MAGA policy shining a light on the darker realities of seemingly ideological differences that've been carefully curated so as to never be identified without derision as a fruitless and imagined conspiracy theory.

MSM Alt Press like AJ and Jerome Corsi and other random bloggers muddy the linear maps Anons pieced together by mixing up Persons, Symbols and Events in order to lend credence that this is another kooky conspiracy theory.

Simply put, Anons' autism is in the CURRENCY OF COINCIDENCES. Coincidences the Alt Press has mirrored with false info (Aliens, Alt Energy, Supernatural Oddities etc) in order to prevent YOU from waking up.

Q being in control has given us infinite power that can't be quelled: coincidences are actually "No" coincidences. This is why he says the CHOICE TO KNOW is YOURS.


Anyways I'm Phonefagging over here so forgive, but dont forget:


Human trafficking/harvesting is the standard of value for global politics. Now, then, whenever. When we got rid of free money with the FED, the black market was born. Industrial heavyweights indulging the fruit of the people as they redefined the people's minds, the people's property and the people's reality, by disagreeing over simple ideological issues that could rationalize academia indoctrinating children into socialization programs that makes the population unable to be technologically autonomous and spiritually free. This is what Soros represents: the Old Guard's analog shepherding of Children. Alice&Wonderland expresses the Collectivistic soul we see as Evil–Children don't grow up. They die. Age is just a number, as a Child's unable to defend themselves. How many people without basic tech and a rational grasp on reality today? Billions. What stands in the way of Leo DiCaprio coming in with solar panels and a hidden occultism (SOLAR = RA / EYE OF RA IS ALTERNSTIVE ENERGY CABAL / PRODUCERS THAT CANT COMPETE HONESTLY WITHOUT TUGGING ONE OUT IN A KID) that preys upon their mystical worldview of the past? We, the People. Patriots FIGHT for INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. True FREEDOM is here as the future is nothing more than the minds FREE TO SEE IT AND BUILD IT.


Lee Harvey Oswald worked at that library four months before he shot JFK. Hoover and Dulles knew about him. Hoover wrote a memo naming a CIA Agent named George Bush in charge of Anti-Castro revolutionaries that'd encounterd Oswald. That same Bush had a son in charge of security at WTC on 9/11. The other was in a classroom, coincidentally reading a book called My Pet Goat, with children reading out loud "PLANE HIT STEEL" seconds before the first plane hit the building. Their coincidences created slaves in the past that wanted death to come as soon as possible; people gave everything up for the greater good they couldnt see, because they were told they were incapable of livinng and expediencing the real world. Life after death, that was freedom. Now we are here, and we have Truth. Truth is Logic. Logic is Freedom. There are no coincidences.