Anonymous ID: 66f67d Dec. 14, 2018, 12:26 a.m. No.4306171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6313 >>6317

The most notable and overlooked purpose of QQ&A "pop quiz" times Qsprung on the "flock" (like throwing chum in a giddy swarm of swarming melon head guppies who can't see straight), is the grade that follows (precisely observed and measured)

The stress test. Failure after failure. Keeps saying don't let anybody drive you, but again and again test after test Q drives you all over the place. But the swarmy head melon guppies fail fail fail in their little swarmy school of schools.


Can't let go of mommyQest and training wheels. Can't stand alone in your own knowledge and own it, unless you get guided every step of the way so you know what to think.


Ya damn right we live under a Dome.

What do you think Antartica is?

It's in plain plain plain sight.

God made it.

The true scientist.

We live on a plain.

God doesn't lie.

Fuckin NASA lies.

CGI is a hoax.

Space only exists in the basement of a hollywood movie studio

Run by masons illuminati and satanic peadophiles.

The cabal lies.

Our educational system is a lie.

Our political system is a lie.

Our goverment lies.

Water doesn't fuckin bend or curve and rivers don't run upwards on a "globe" you fuckin morons. Water doesn't stick to a spinning ball and people and buildings aren't upside down in Australia.

We are not spinning 1,000 mph.

Planes, trains and snails for that matter, make no curvature adjustments.

It's not a fuckin ball

And we didn't come from monkeys.

Look through a lens that's not programed by EVIL. Grow the fuck up.

Evil's laughing at you.

Wakeup to the physics of the earth we live on you fuckin stupid sleeping blind sheep.

You're not in preschool anymore.


It's a test OR

Q has a handler.


Get that through your

Dead heads. Morons.


How many times are you gonna take the test? QUESTION EVERYTHING FOR YOUR OWN SELF. YOU HAVE A SELF, RIGHT?

Anonymous ID: 66f67d Dec. 14, 2018, 12:54 a.m. No.4306261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6278 >>6279 >>6306 >>6446 >>6513


Yes. We have an actual independent thinker with a brain that isn't programmed!! More verification is needed because what we saw at rallies requires more moar moar… Not just a blindly given no.

The wife pictures? How can those be explained?


Ignore the stupid ones who call you stupid for questioning and using your own mind. It just means they can't use their own brain. A sad situation many suffer from nowadays.

Anonymous ID: 66f67d Dec. 14, 2018, 1:57 a.m. No.4306508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6520


You've got to be kidding. That's what you think… ? You are making me laugh even more. Just read your post like 10 times. Work on reading comprehension, and then maybe you'll realize how low on substantive anything it is. Lack of intelligence generally doesn't generate anger from me unless you were an asshole. Lol.

Anonymous ID: 66f67d Dec. 14, 2018, 2:12 a.m. No.4306563   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That's just it. I don't think the purpose of Q is to bail us out or answer questions for us. At some point, we need to be willing to use and find our own resources.

It shouldn't be his responsibility but I believe the whole Q concept has created a situation not necessarily predictable.


It's like an AI experiment WW implications. What one "thing" should be deciding collective humanity's destination? We have free will and thought. God is a God of freedom.


One of his answers raised red flags. Asked how he knew the future responded control. That's AI mechanisms. Q grows with us, and thereby controls an outcome.

Anonymous ID: 66f67d Dec. 14, 2018, 2:28 a.m. No.4306630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6680


I think that is a very good and logical approach. To remain indifferent to Q-tests and retain one's own knowledge. Elsewise, one may become subject to emotions that could interfer or interface with that knowledge. We should all guard our knowledge and hearts. There's a scripture about that.
