So I'm watching SNL skits on YT and one comes on called "Elf on the Shelf" ( like Q posted (2595). Wasn't paying attention so I didn't catch it at first because I don't think that way, but knowing what I know now it makes me sick. Then I found this on SNL pedo humor - Maybe somebody could help me dig on this. Not sure what direction Q was sending us on this one. My autist fu is weak, I'm more of a memer/shitposter. Apologies if this has already been dug and discussed.
Shit! YT fuckery. This is the SNL pedo clip.
Hooktube version for those that don't like YT.
Last 2 lines of Q post 2595
"Think 'Elf on the Shelf'.
Can you find the next one?"
The next SNL episode is tomorrow night but I think they're referring to something else. What's the next one?