Well I'll be on the edge of my seat waiting for you
To unearth the facts surrounding that fascinating mystery
Gay Marriage is the stick in the Eye used to promote division
Fags don't care completely about the term Marriage
But they've been told you do and you're evil
Just let states define their own versions of Civil Unions
Let the term marriage culturally go back to tradition/biology
Leave it Up to States Recognize:
Same Sex
And whatever weird shit Coastal States will think of
Is this a:
I don't know what the hell that is but it ain't that
POTUS is compd and eats babies
Cut to the chase on the bottom line here
Isolated Domestic Issue / Authoritative Overreach / Combo of Both
Either way unless it's in my local area IDGAF
TruePundit is compd-light
HopePr0n / Fear Pr0n
Rinse Repeat
Is justice being denied here?
Yes, let me know how I can assist.
No, enjoy your implanted fear.
Bookworms with Superiority (or is it Inferiority???) Complexes
How ya'll doing?
Best masters of psychology practice not preach
>until single people get the same rights as privilege
In terms of taxes I support what you're saying.
But, what does that have to do with fags?
Muh BA degrees are the braggart types
BS, both Uni & Street versions, just do their thing
without the need for Reassurance for our Fee Fees
>What if they want to be married for a bit and derp around
You mean like the old Columbia House
20 for $.99 now - then full price later
But everyone knows you'll be ghosting them before that happens
Everyone knows Fags are creepy as fuck.
That's the biggest change over the last few decades.
Kids don't grow up learning how creepy fags are
No amount of pseudo-science can overcome what non-fags feel when they're around fags.
Some are ok people but they're all creepy fuckers that don't follow basic species survival rules.
Freaks and creepy ones at that.
Elephant in the room truth.
>they make sure to create some
The street science is fairly settled
Butches are still girls at heart LARPing as dudes - DRAMA
Fags are born wired like girls (only explanation that makes sense) - DRAMA
Drama-Squared = moar DRAMA than typical heteros are used to
Now you brought uni social science into it
You're fighting on their home field
Play on a neutral site like the Rose Bowl
>holdin the line gracefully
I can tell you've never held a real line before
This ain't fishing although it's a wonderful skill to have
Well, we can finally agree with RedShield on something
Kellyanne and George is a weird deal
Just like James Carvil and Mary Matlin
POTUS wouldn't trust Kelly if she were compd bad, so
WTF is up with them?
Eric's flared collars are reference antiquity but still maintain a modern balance. Tough to pull that off. Bravo, Eric.
SnowdenFags were looking for loopholes last DayShift.
But, know what?
Very few Seth Rich say it ain't so fags
That means high chance good dude real deal all but confirmed now