Anonymous ID: ca5acb Dec. 14, 2018, 12:30 a.m. No.4306180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6308 >>6467

William P. Barr - Has long recorded history as the CIA’s most powerful FIXER


The US military officers surrounding President Trump began to vet and place into the Trump administration numerous former Bush officials familiar with how to most effectively use and wield state power. Two of the most important being the former President George W. Bush administration officials Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh; both of whom Trump appointed to the US Supreme Court, and who once confirmed, joined their fellow Bush family appointed Justices John Roberts, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas.


US Military having stunningly masterminded a Trump-Bush unbreakable majority hold on the US Supreme Court is their final move to take on and destroy the Clinton Crime Family. First is to take control over the US Department of Justice—and that they plan to accomplish by placing it under the control of William P. Barr.


Labeled, in 1994, by the late and highly respected American investigative reporter William Safire as the Cover-up General, this report notes, William Barr began his career as a CIA operative and protégé of CIA Director George H.W. Bush; Whom Bush moved out of the CIA into the corridors of powers of Washington D.C. to act as his “Fixer” if anyone came close to the crimes he was committing.


Futhermore, Barr's Services were needed when Bush’s association with the criminal drug money laundering bank BCCI was about to be exposed, and with Barr having being appointed by Bush to be his US Attorney General, saw Barr quickly shut this investigation down.


When both Bush and the CIA were, also, threatened by the Iran Contra Affair, involving US weapons illegally sold to Iran to fund Central American terrorists, this report further notes, Barr, again, destroyed this investigation by his masterfully engineering the Presidential Pardons of all of its conspirators before the Special Counsel prosecuting them could ever set foot in a courtroom; and that today has paved the path for Trump to do the same.


Most dangerous to the Clinton Crime Family about Barr becoming President Trump’s Attorney General, is that he has publicly railed against Hillary Clinton not being prosecuted and jailed for Uranium One crimes, that involved her receiving tens-of-millions of dollars she illegally funneled through the Clinton Foundation.


Once appointed as Attorney General, without a doubt, Barr will be waging full war against Hillary Clinton.

Barrs' ammunition to do so has just been shockingly revealed to be over 6,000 pages of evidence and documents compiled by a group of US government investigators proving, beyond all doubt, the massive crimes committed by both Hillary Clinton and her husband former President Bill Clinton.


The former CEO of the Clinton Foundation is now “spilling the beans” to Trump’s investigators telling them “I know where all the bodies are buried”.


Thus, Confirming the Security Council’s earlier assessment, made just days ago that America is about to explode when President Trump and Hillary Clinton begin their “Celebrity Deathmatch”, and that’s coming soon to television screens everywhere.



Anonymous ID: ca5acb Dec. 14, 2018, 1:37 a.m. No.4306434   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From tonight’s Hannity Show—


John Solomon: Let me say this about Mike Flynn. In May 2017 there was a document identified to a small number of people in the United State government. It’s in the possession of the Defense Intelligence Agency. For 18 months there’s been an effort to resist declassifying that document. I know that that document contains extraordinary exculpatory information about General Flynn. I don’t believe the president has ever been told about this document. One lawmaker discovered it but he was thwarted by the Defense Intelligence Agency in his ability to disclose it. I think we all should ask for that declassification! Get that out. It may enlighten the judge!