Anon, Iet me stop you before you make a fool out of yourself.
You're a retard.
>Monsanto, analysts said, may be hoping to bulk up before it completes a high-profile $33 billion merger
Wake the fuck up.
>$3.4 billion GE Water deal…round down 3.3
>$3.2 billion euros…round up. 3.3
Such riveting "intel" anon. Wew
>They are going bankrupt due to sex abuse settlements
I was "abused" but I can't remember when…do I get a check?
Fuck, anon. Your reddit spacing gave you away. No one needs to read your Berkeley dissertation here.
Head & shoulders indicate a downward trend. Now it makes sense. AMD through their Kike-Mart gov contract gave out "gaming computers" to select YT fags to shill how great AMD's backdoor for anal is.
Q makes bullshit promise, they're associates in the DEMs faggotry call in a bomb threat. One step forward, two steps back. But hey, let's keep slaving away for shekels to buy cue merch.
Sweet dubs of justice.
We need to see this on a DAILY, Q. Fuck it, every hour a pedo should be indicted or pushed to kill themselves.
I'd honestly live in this if I owned every structure. This shit is Ready Player One…called the stacks. While they have ivory towers we have coffins called trailers. God help us.