A bit polite for my taste.
>Next step: "they are spreading contagious and dangerous memes."
Interesting idea. So who's gonna trigger Wapo so hard they print it?
No i mean the next step. I think you're right. They have to go after us here.
So if there's a meme ridiculing them that they can use as self victimization, they might actually do it. It's just gotta be good enough. It's gotta be offensive enough and crude enough to make them think it hurts our image that Idgaf about, but true enough that them talking about it just spreads the message.
It's okay to be white was fucking brilliant for exactly that reason.
You need to add Michael 'Thomas Paine' Moore to your list. That was an odd one.
I think this'll piss off waponiggers but i don't think they'll print it.
They don't even work til the 12th one. Wtf is this babby shit.
Kashoggi on left is Bin Laden's buddy and the 'journalist' they've been reeing about for a couple months and trying to fuck up US/Saudi relations. Right is pizzagate Podesta who immediately became a Wapo columnist after Hillary's loss presumably to shill his bullshit and frame any attacks on him as attacks on the press. He's ramping up right now to milk pizzagate some more. They're both clearly deep state cunts hiding behind the credibility of free press when it's useful. Although i guess if Kashoggis dead it's not his fault.
You really missed a couple good hours of people being pissed at the Christmas faggotry and no Huber. The accountants kinda satisfied everyone. Meh.
Wtf. This nigger was pitching a show about Trump whistleblowers and larping about meetings with Cohen! That's actually pretty fucking funny.