Excellent dig, anon. These groups remind me of the gender studies papers these guys wrote a couple years ago.
>>4303851 (PB)
>Data & Society (Joan Donovan)
She looks like a sweetheart. She got money from a ton of groups! See Omiydar Institute on there as well.
>>4306289 (LB)
Right, they're employing the wrap-up smear technique to justify their foregone conclusions. Joan and/or her minions might even be on the boards seeding certain memes.
Here's my questions though - at what point are they just cannabalizing themselves? Are these tactics effective at all or are they just feeding into the echo chamber that already exists? Isn't this just a grand waste of time & resources for them and gives selected minions something to justify their own existence? Is it making any dent or are they continuously losing ground in spite of their efforts?
Q #2032
>Define 'Echo Chamber'.