In a move that will likely shock pro-immigration activists, Mexico’s new president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, and his administration have agreed to close the border between Mexico and Guatemala, largely to prevent more migrant caravans from crossing into Mexico’s southern states.
According to The Washington Times, a Mexican Interior Minister told media that border security “is no longer an issue.”
“Do you know why it is no longer an issue? Because in five days this administration solved the issue, five days,” she continued. “The United States was impressed.”
In addition, the Mexican government is reportedly promoting a “Christmas at Home” campaign, The Washington Times reports, encouraging migrants already camping out at the U.S.-Mexico border to board free transportation back to their homelands so that they can spend the holidays with their families.
Liberals can’t rely on the racist excuse here. The Mexican president doesn’t hate brown people. Maybe he just understands all the negative ramifications of illegal immigration?
Props to Mexico. Maybe we could take a page out of their book someday.