SKY Event?
Comet 46P/Wirtanen
The best times to see 46P/Wirtanen under moonless skies:
Friday, December 14th — Moon at first quarter phase and sets 11:30 to midnight. Some light but still not a comet-quencher.
Saturday, December 15th — Moon sets 12:30–1 a.m. Sunday morning.
Sunday, December 16th — Moon sets 1:30–2 a.m. Monday morning. Moon getting bright now.
Monday, December 17th — Moon sets 2:30–3 a.m Tuesday morning.
Tuesday, December 18th — Moon sets 4 a.m. Wednesday morning.
Wednesday, December 19th — Probably the final moonless night for diehard observers. Moon sets around 5 a.m., with the comet low in the northwestern sky.