Anonymous ID: bb09a4 Dec. 14, 2018, 9:57 a.m. No.4309912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9919

When the biggest threat to the power structure is an awakened populace, what do you do?

You CONTROL the awakening populace with just enough truth, guidance, and reassurance to keep them completely under your influence.


>>4280202 (pb)


>How do you know the future?






Don't become an NPC anon.


Don't allow yourself to be dominated.


Keep going down the rabbit hole until you Black Pill yourself out of your mental prison.


Q cannot tell you simultaneously to:


>Think for yourself.

>Trust yourself.

>Research for yourself.

>Be in control of yourself.

>NEVER let someone else DRIVE YOU.

>Those who try to DRIVE YOU are not your friend.


While at the same time DRIVE YOU with:


>Trust the Plan


>Disinformation is Necessary


When traitors like no name and bush "new world order/thousand points of light" senior are celebrated and buried like emperors, something is wrong.


When false flags continue unchecked and the narrative unchallenged, something is wrong.


When chemtrails continue to pour out the backs of aircraft raining down on the population, something is wrong.


Do I align with the Q movement?




The old power structure (Old Guard) is the most evil, disgusting, anti-human organization imaginable.


However, have no illusions in thinking that the new power structure (New Guard) will ever cease it's control over every theater of operation.




Ask yourself, is Q trying to 'Drive' the Great Awakening movement???




Never forget.


>Those who try to DRIVE YOU are not your friend.

Anonymous ID: bb09a4 Dec. 14, 2018, 10:17 a.m. No.4310136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0163 >>0309



>muh 2nd amendment not under threat




Rate of fire!

Barrel length!

Sound suppression!

Magazine capacity!

Rules on how you can carry!

And yes, even background check!


You, my friend, have a case of boiling frog syndrome.

Anonymous ID: bb09a4 Dec. 14, 2018, 10:43 a.m. No.4310441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0550



I agree completely.


This actually speaks to the point I'm trying to make.


Q has never taken it that far, which leads me to believe that the new guard will leave these institutions in place.


They may be overhauled and perhaps reined in, but ultimately left intact.


Realistically, if the FED is destroyed I'll call this a success.


The new guard wants independence for our country and for our citizens to be free from foreign control, but I don't see them ever giving much of the power we should have back to the people.


You're right. If we want to take it further we're going to have to fight for it.


We'll have to elect representatives that will vote to abolish these agencies.


We won't get anything handed to us on a silver platter.