>>4283805 pb
Just noticed here, fakenews changed the meaning of the word "Conspiracy"
They are creating their own meaning.
For them, as they use the term, a "Conspiracy" is a story about reality.
Actually, in the historical use of the word, "Conspiracy" [ " to breath together " ] is when a group, even just two people, get together and plan something.
So every business is a "conspiracy" in the old usage of the word. Or likewise, every family is a "conspiracy" if the family is bound by one goal, together - which is often the case for a family, even just planning an holiday event
How the fake news now uses it, it means something that is false, the tale of a fabulator.
conspiracy, from 18th c.
A combination, a secret consultation,a Plot, and agreement of parties, to do anything either good or bad.
conspiracy [ in Law]
is always taken in the worst sense and signifies an agreement among persons to do some illegal act
To Conspire, to agree together
So they project the term "conspiracy" with its bad connotation, onto the people who research criminal conspiracies.
So here
" "Hateful Conspiracies Thrive on YouTube Despite Pledge to Clean Problematic Videos,"
Seems they are doing a mirror action, claiming the videos are the conspiracy.
I noticed a lot of mis-use of the word "Conspiracy"