Nothing more than a giant government circle jerk
Prob having a Christmas party….it’s Friday and government employees don’t do squat on Friday
Nothing more than a giant government circle jerk
Prob having a Christmas party….it’s Friday and government employees don’t do squat on Friday
Now all you gotta do is prove you put talc on yer pussy
It will only take 48-72 hrs before total chaos
Fat fuckers can’t go any longer than that without going crazy
Here’s a thought
Fuck the FBI
What’s with all the retractions
If your such a pussy you don’t want what you said printed….don’t fucking say it
Everyone in the government is a talc cancer pussy
Facebook listening to you now
Talk about Ford trucks and boom it’s on your feed…so glad Q was watching out for us
Bewb gap = silicon
Well silicon is a natural substance….so half right