Volumes picking up.
Watch it be walked up like Monday. Cover entire short here.
Let them play with it. Book it.
Volumes picking up.
Watch it be walked up like Monday. Cover entire short here.
Let them play with it. Book it.
Volumes picking up here too. Look for a push up into the close across the entire mkt.
Friday night news cycle coming.
Amateur still.
who in the fuck are you now?
It's no one's 'place' to change.
Don't like it then just leave
fucking snowflakes.
Markets dumped. No ESF to the rescue.
SM been neutered it would seem.
Volumes really picking up on Both NAS and DJI.
choir here. Just reporting what I see.
Knew this was coming a year ago because of the shift in QE 'purchases' to sales.
Not the best way to close out a week if you are a HODL'er