Anonymous ID: 104c32 Dec. 14, 2018, 4:18 p.m. No.4314559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4739

To anons:

(Excluding paid shills, ego-driven trolls, identity politics driven SJW's and groupthink driven hasbara)


As all true anons know, this military-grade internet site is one of the very few accessible gateways to a freedom-loving node of collective consciousness, which is why all the bad actors and their big data-driven, so-called bots are fear-driven to spam and assault the anons, here are some rhetorically appropriate replies to the mass unconsciousness peaking at this moment in the timeline.


Verbal ammo ready to deliver to disturb the slumber of any hypocritical, unsuspecting NPC:


Hey NPC, when your brain is not programmed BY YOU to reject bullshit, the predictable reaction to that suppressed cognitive dissonance is to self-trigger and dump your emotional load on someone YOU LABEL as a member of a media-approved outcast group!


Inclusive? You say inclusiveness is one of the social virtues you seek to attain?


Your media-approved world view is designed to keep your mind in a box, exclusive of most of the realities which directly affect your life!

Until you can integrate more reality than the flat, wallpaper of lies into your world view , you are walking blind and talking dumb to those who see more than you allow yourselves to see!


Primary question to ask ourselves in an honest moment:

To whose narrative are we paying our precious attention?

The media Matrix? Our family and friends? Our anti-social media, virtual friends? The Bible, the Koran, the Talmud? Corporate science? Our inner demons?

Or the still small voice of our soul and conscience, always there to guide even as we ignore our best possible experiences in favor of experiences in common with our enslaved brothers and sisters?

On the answer to this question hangs all our hopes and any dreams of freedom we would like to realize in the future. We must choose wisely or live out the consequences…


Follow-up question to use every day:

Players from which groups ALWAYS step in to control the narrative while it is happening?


These are the groups which drive the mass mind into crazy town!

These groups have their main agenda to control the masses, for evil fun and profit!


Corollary question:

On what topics is there consistent media Matrix demand to be taken SERIOUSLY?


Think a minute: in the past, the social controlling institutions, such as church, medical establishments, courts and other organs of the State, would tell you what you MUST take seriously, OR ELSE!


In our new, totalitarian-friendly, technology-driven social control engine, a vast army of faceless technocrats decide what the masses should pay their attention to and then make it a SERIOUS matter for all concerned intellectual-yet-idiots!


If you laugh at the stark nakedness of the empire and refuse to take seriously what the crowd-mind, the group-mind, the mass-mind is dutifully paying their “serious” attention, you risk censure, social disapproval and even exile from their virtual safe space and happy-land!


Same shit story, different story tellers.

Same basic, dis-empowering narrative, different programmed language!


Hypocrite, defined as: one whose mind is “under” or “sub” critical or IOW, completely uncritical

AKA a simpleton!

It is as simple as that!


As in NO critical thinking in operation, only emotionally triggered programmed cattle chutes for the mind to stay in a rut!


With these few but to-the-point conceptual tools, our minds may lay the lies to waste and keep our minds clear and open to our INNER guidance!



Love you all! Unconditionally!


The unconfused need not pretend conformity to the would-be mind controllers pushing the political correctness mind-control!

The unconfused KNOW the difference between mere lust and the power of Love!



''Spirit of the Christ:

Shine Your light into all hearts so brightly that all minds take notice that You are present and begin to clean out the delusions and deceptions, making space for a positive emotional response to the world!''