Thank you Q, for helping us deal with ds.
Thank you POTUS for helping the People.
Riots are stupid?
Burn up your own neighborhood?
shills suggest riots?
Anons aren't stupid.
Dumb shills have dumb ideas.
Try harder.
Cracks me up when shills talk to themselves.
Without replies.
Trying hard, but no bite.
Not even the Newbies.
shills must feel stupid in a Qresearch.
Report the ones posting underage girls to the FBI.
These shills are stupid.
Goodbye shill.
Thank you Day Shift.
SEE the dumb shill posting underage?
Have fun in prison.
Don't let them find out what your in for.
HA HA ha ha HUMA huma
Some of these shills are sick.
SEE the dumb discouraging shill?
If Qresearch is pointless, why here?
If you believed Qresearch was pointless, would
you be here?
shills prove Q.
Thank you shills.
Now try harder.
Dig meme PRAY
or whats the point of the first 2?
Why does ds msm drag things out so long?
Hoping we forget and overlook?
Remind the People what ds msm is trying
to hide with your memes and words.
Bring the shills out so we can see them try hard and laugh at their shilly efforts.
Does Q scare shills?
They don't want to expose themselves but
who else to fight Q, POTUS, Anons.
They must reveal themselves.
We SEE them clearly.
Would we be #2 if we were failing?
How come shills can't meme?
Because they can't tell the truth?
Is there truth in memes?
Newbies, do you see the Anons and the shills,?