Anonymous ID: 4a5881 Dec. 14, 2018, 10:40 p.m. No.4318713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8742

Civil War: Swedish Citizens Rise Up To Protest Globalism

Citizens across Sweden have begun rising up to protest globalism, in solidarity with hundreds of thousands of French protestors. As the anti-globalist movement continues to sweep across Europe, the people of Sweden took to the streets of Stockholm over the weekend, protesting the UN Migration Pact. France’s "Yellow Vest" movement has also spread to at least three other European countries as citizens in Belgium, Germany, and Holland have also started to protest against the political elite. The French movement originally started as an opposition to high fuel taxes but is now focused on governments as well, as regular, hard-working people feel unheard. As Swedes gathered outside Parliament in Stockholm, one protester said: "I am here for the poor elderly who paid tax their whole lives and now are forced to starve."

According to Voice of Europe, plenty of Swedish flags, placards, and yellow vests were seen, with children participating as well. “We are not extremists. We are ordinary Swedes,” shouted the protesters. “It’s not about political colors, it’s about the people," one of the speakers, journalist Katerina Janouch stated. TRENDING: IG Report Mueller Wiped Peter Strzok Phone Before Giving it to Investigators “I am here for the 9-year-old girl who was raped and beaten in a junk room. "I am here for all the women who no longer dare go out. “I am here for the poor elderly who paid tax their whole lives and now are forced to starve. "I am here for the homeless. "I am here for those who don’t get what the social contract promises.”



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Anonymous ID: 4a5881 Dec. 14, 2018, 10:49 p.m. No.4318775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8790

`We've never been this alone': Canada finds itself caught between two powers, without any ‘serious allies’

Canada is stuck in the middle over Meng Wanzhou and taking punishment – and its ally to the south has been conspicuously absent in coming to its aid

TORONTO — First U.S. President Donald Trump attacked Canada on trade. Then Saudi Arabia punished it for speaking up for human rights. Now China has the country in its cross-hairs, detaining two Canadians in apparent retaliation for the arrest of a top Chinese tech executive on behalf of the United States.


Canada is caught between two superpowers and taking the punishment — and its ally to the south has been conspicuously absent in coming to its aid.


“We’ve never been this alone,” historian Robert Bothwell said. “We don’t have any serious allies. And I think that’s another factor in what the Chinese are doing. … Our means of retaliation are very few. China is a hostile power.”


The two Canadians, Michael Kovrig, a former diplomat in China, and Michael Spavor, an entrepreneur who lived in northeastern China near the North Korean border, were taken into custody Monday on suspicion of “engaging in activities that endanger the national security” of China, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang said. Canadian consular officials have had no access to them.

Their detentions ratchet up pressure on Canada, which arrested Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of telecommunications giant Huawei, on Dec. 1 at the request of the United States. The U.S. wants her extradited to face charges that she and her company misled banks about the company’s business dealings in Iran. A Canadian judge released Meng on bail Tuesday.


The case has set off a diplomatic furor among the three nations in which Canada has been stuck in the middle.


Until now, Canada had a largely good relationship with China, forged by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s father, late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, who helped establish the one-China formula that enabled many other countries to recognize China in the 1970s. Canada acknowledged there is one government of China and does not officially recognize Taiwan.


China has since become Canada’s second-largest trading partner, after the United States. Chinese investment has powered real estate booms in Vancouver and Toronto. And one-third of foreign students in Canada are Chinese. Justin Trudeau has even talked about a possible free-trade agreement with China in a bid to diversify Canada’s trade, which relies on the U.S. for 75 per cent of its exports.

Anonymous ID: 4a5881 Dec. 14, 2018, 11:06 p.m. No.4318855   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Let us remember that it was the DOJ that ordered her arrested. Bolton knew ahead of time. Huawei now seems to be trouble in Europe as well as with other countries. They have ties to Iran, Europe wants to get around the sanctions to keep doing business with Iran. Huaweisequipment is being used for spying for Beijing. Its a tangled web. China uses Canada like a doormat. Calls junior "little potatoe" Thing is, they could have kept this a little quieter yet there is much media coverage. So if any anon can untangle this web, all the more power to ya. My b-day today so I have had a few cocktails and am not in an autistic mood.