Anonymous ID: ff6415 Dec. 14, 2018, 11:19 p.m. No.4318933   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4318318 PB You too can be God


I understand how you are looking at it, which is a better way than I use to see it. I was an atheist, probably due to my work in science. But science can work you out of atheism if you look at the evidence and go where it leads. Most of your objection here is an objection to "Christian doctrine" which is religion.

God and Religion are two different things. Religion is easy to prove. The existence of God is more difficult to prove but absolutely do-able with the evidence we now have. That is what I discovered after pouring over the evidence.


The only thing that bothers me about all these "beliefs" that teach "we are one" with God, or worse, that we ARE God, is that these concepts view God as a mindless force, as if there were only a "good force" and an "Evil force.

Consciousness and personality are aspects of reality that science can not explain but they are scientifically observable facts in front of every one of us, that every one of us has intimate experience with.

Science would never dare try to tell us that consciousness does not exist.

Today, physics understands that what we observe can be altered by observing it. Conscious observation changes the behavior of photons in the slit experiments for instance. When Jesus cursed the fig tree, and a few hours later the Apostles freaked because the tree died, Jesus explained that we would be capable of moving mountains, not just killing trees someday. Today a physics major would get what he was saying even if the physics major had not figured out how to "do it".

The the conscious intellect that created all that we observe (an everything there is that we can not see with our limited senses) does indeed have consciousness in every way that we understand it as a personal experience, and "it" is a "person" in every sense that we are "persons".


To deny this sense of "I AM" is to deny the conscious will of the creator to create intentionally, as a will-full act on his part, without us, and to deny the creators ability to communicate with his creations if he chooses to do that also.


This being said, it is we who are created, and God does invite conscious individuals to life without death, which is very much sustained by the creator himself, so, you are not too far off.

There is an element of choice to it, on our part. We are not all "automatically" God.


If you want to understand how it is that God was able to prove his existence to this x-atheist, you need to go to where God laid out his proofs. It is much like looking at "Q proofs". God uses "future proves past" and "How many times before it is mathematically impossible".

God wrote to prove his own existence to us. He chose two specific ancient languages to accomplish his communication "proof task".


One of those languages is now known to be the most sophisticated code language ever developed by mankind. Why?

Because it holds the greatest amount of information in the least amount of bandwidth.

It has letters that make phonemes similar to English.

Each letter is also a pictograph like Chinese; but each pictograph stands for a noun or two, and and an abstract principal in some cases up to four of them depending on context . (pic related) Then, each letter stands for a number so there are mathematical codes and formulas buried in his words. (See left column of pic related)

Just one lecture explaining all of the information contained in the first single sentence of the text, is a two hour adventure. That is how complex the original text is. And not one letter has been moved since the Great Library of Alexandria, and the Dead Sea Scrolls both 200+BC. We know that for certain.


In Gods original text, there are literally sentences inside of sentences, and mathematical formulas buried within the words. ( the natural log "e" is coded into John 1:1, as an example of future proves past. It was discovered in the 1800's by mathematicians)

No translation in any language will suffice. All translations lose 3/4 of what God presented as proof.

As a second language, God chose the most precise language ever developed by man in ancient Greek. Each verb requires 5 tenses.

There is only one way to know what the Q phenomenon is. That is to look at the evidence… the Q proofs.

There is only one way to know what the God phenomenon is. That is to look at the God proofs.