Anonymous ID: 1c49ee Dec. 15, 2018, 12:05 a.m. No.4319165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9176 >>9178 >>9209 >>9264 >>9355 >>9413 >>9415 >>9444 >>9536 >>9579 >>9612

>>4318748 PB The Chosen tribe of Mesopotamia.. location of the earliest writings of Man...... but, chosen for what?


Nope. Not crazy. God "Chose" Israel, but, no one ever asks "For what".

They were a tiny Mesopotamian tribe living next to a few other writing tribes. And they are the only Mesopotamian tribe still around today with their original language (biblical language) in tact.

Ever run into all that "begetting" in the Bible, wonder what tha'ts all about?

They were chosen to keep a calendar made by having fathers register their age at the Synagogue on the day their first son was born. It is a year by year calendar that much of history is attached to in the text. (put those paragraphs of begetting together and it will create a string of years. Most Rabbis think Trump was elected in the year 5777)


They were chosen to keep a historical record of man, and they were placed on the land at the center of the trade rout between three continents, at the eastern Mediterranean coast. They did this history so well, Alexanders General commissioned them to add their historical writings to the Great Library. Thus, the old Testament was "Canonized" at the Great Library.

God also uses them as a time clock in prophecy. If you want to know where you are in biblical prophetic history, just look at Israel.

We are not supposed to start looking for end times prophecies (2400+ of them in the bible) until Israel "reappears in a 24 hour period" after being gone.

They were gone over 1800 years. They appeared again in a single day by UN vote, just as prophesied.


And yes, we are near the end times.

(((They))) want to "hurry it" but God has his own timeline. Before any of their timeline can happen, the original text has to make it's rounds around the world. People need a chance to see the ancient God proofs in the original languages. This will take some time. How much? Keep an eye on Israel. That is the answer.

Anonymous ID: 1c49ee Dec. 15, 2018, 1:12 a.m. No.4319536   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Fascinating. I want to read them.


Best place to start is by watching someone do it who is a lifetime expert. Chuck Missler worked under the guy who cracked the Japanese code, and worked in the deep state military industrial complex while decoding the Bible all of his life. He came out of the government with a 24 hour course that runs the English King James with the Hebrew side by side, showing how the various types of codes and prophecies work throughout history.

I call him the biblical "Q"..

The intelligence drops in this youtube series of one hour segments will take you from beginning to end, and give you a good understanding of the book, and many different interpretations that are currently in flux.

Outstanding Study to start. Hebrew is one of the easiest languages to learn. First hour is on the dimensional math. Then he gets to the actual bible in hour 2

Anonymous ID: 1c49ee Dec. 15, 2018, 1:21 a.m. No.4319579   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>What is the true Hebrew year he was elected. I've read the current calendar is off by 165 years or so, putting us closer to that 6000 year mark.


I hear the same thing. The calendar can be off. That is why I mentioned what most rabbi's think, because they would pay close attention. The only way we are going to know for sure is if we see that agreement between Israel and another party for peace that has the seven year tag on it. When the temple is built, we really have to start with the microscope on that place. But, it may not be for a while yet. I do know the bible has to travel the world to every nation before the really bad shit gets rolling. But, the Hebrew word is "quickly" so once it starts it will be fast.

Anonymous ID: 1c49ee Dec. 15, 2018, 1:23 a.m. No.4319590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9736


>fuck the bible. It's horse shit.


You would not know because you have never studied it. You are like the closed minded SJW Normies who mock Q without looking at the proofs.

Anonymous ID: 1c49ee Dec. 15, 2018, 1:44 a.m. No.4319677   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Those are not Hebrew. Hebrew has an alphabet. These are pictographs. Egyptians had language at the same time as the Hebrews. Hieroglyphics are also pictographs.


This is not about earliest scratch writing which is photographic. It is about earliest alphabet and the most sophisticated and most powerful code language ever developed by man.


Hebrew is also photographic, each letter also being a noun, and a verb and or idea. It is at the same time an alphabet capable of full words and sentences back during the Egyptian Pharoes. In addition each letter of the alphabet is also a number.

They use to think the earliest alphabet was Phoenician. That thought is being massively disturbed by recent findings, if you read the article


And Hebrews were absolutely one of the writing tribes of ancient Mesopotamia.


Wikipedia is not a source for the latest information, not even a source for the truth. Modern God hating Scholars insist on being 400 years off on the Exodus, even though mounting hoards of evidence is showing that the Egyptian calendar is off by 400 years. Even the layer of volcanic ash from Stentorian shows that the exodus happened that year.


By maintaining this 400 year error, they can claim there is no evidence of the Semites in Egypt. But there is evidence in abundance 400 years earlier.

Anonymous ID: 1c49ee Dec. 15, 2018, 1:53 a.m. No.4319712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9778


>there's no way MIL PRECISION PLANNING can predict this guy to say exactly that at exactly that time unless I'm living in the Truman Show.



Guess what.


This is about as Truman show as they can get all of us into without doing us a lot of harm. Add a little flat earth dome, and I think we got it.


Anonymous ID: 1c49ee Dec. 15, 2018, 2:29 a.m. No.4319847   🗄️.is 🔗kun






>A lot of Israelites went to Ireland, Scotland, Scandanavia.


You are correct. They are tearing through the Roman Census records that kept track of the Israeli's that came through the pass of Israel in the Caucus mountains. The Romans called these immigrants the "Caucasians" or Asians from the Caucus mountains. They settled much of Europe. It is looking like the largest Tribe of Manasseh picked up together and Settled the United States.


>People throw the word "jew" around all the time when they are thinking, probably, of ashkanazi who are just essentially some specific tribe from around ukraine/turkey.


>A lot of us "white" folks are Israelite diaspora. This is information upsetting to all manner of folks


White folks, Caucasian, similarly used for a reason. As I watch the research on the migration of the lost tribes this past 5 years or so, it is interesting to me that the Globalists suddenly teach the hatred of "white people"


It appears the reason Christianity spread through Europe so rapidly after Christ died, is because the whole of Europe was settled with people who knew the prophecies of Christ, and recognized their Messiah.

But I would be cautious about what Christian pulpits teach about Jews. Do a very careful reading of Romans 11 and Ephesians. God blinded the tribe of Judah and it says in the bible it was for our benefit. The Scales will come off in the end times. Makes me wonder about the Messianic Jews we see about these days.