Anonymous ID: c8b3cb Dec. 15, 2018, 4:26 a.m. No.4320348   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4319183 pb notable (fake research groups regarding "chan hatefull conspiracies")


This is exactly why the shills and spambots work overtime here.

It is one of their main targets, to portray trumps q people as trumps q nazis.

Anonymous ID: c8b3cb Dec. 15, 2018, 4:32 a.m. No.4320388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0419 >>0512



It is a well known spambot youre repying to anon. It is an AI.

Notice the automatic nature of its text pasta replies.

Do you think this fuckery by the fake research groups, as was brought in previois bread:

>>4319183 pb notable

Is a coincidence?


The shill waves and pasta propaganda spambot deployment is here for a reason.

Anonymous ID: c8b3cb Dec. 15, 2018, 4:43 a.m. No.4320457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0514 >>0533 >>0541 >>0647



More lies rumba. Time to go back to floor cleaning.


>When you acquire a Hebrew slave, he shall serve six years; in the seventh year he shall go free, without payment. If he came single, he shall leave single; if he had a wife, his wife shall leave with him.


So the torah permits also jewish slaves to be taken. So much for your goy crap.

The torah. Like almost all ancient religious books, was written with morrals that were relevant thousands of years ago. And as we all know, slavery was a norm back then.

As such the torah should be treated as an ancient religious book.


"Fun fact:" (like you like to say Rumba) is that the jewish soros usefull idiots (belong either to the atheist or the refomist jewish subgrouo), dont care neither about the talmud nor about the torah and they view these as regressive and primitive religious texts. They only take out of ut what fits their progressive agenda.

Anonymous ID: c8b3cb Dec. 15, 2018, 5:15 a.m. No.4320647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0667




Do you prefer "r2d2"?

There is no need for name calling Rumba… Your automatic pasta text replies, and the constant spam deployment here is more than enough to tell us that you are a bad bad bot that prefers spamming pasta propaganda over cleaning floors :)


You still havent countered the lies i exposed here:




"Cry more in the face of the facts :)" :


>Did Jews dominate the slave trade?


>Not according to scholars that have closely examined the question. Several studies of the Jewish role in the slave trade were conducted in the 1990s. One of them, by John Jay’s Faber, compared available data on Jewish slave ownership and trading activity in British territories in the 18th century to that of the wider population. Faber concludes that the claim of Jewish domination is false and that the Jewish role in slavery was “exceedingly limited.” According to Faber, British Jews were always in the minority of investors in slaving operations and were not known to have been among the primary owners of slave fleets. Faber found that, with few exceptions, Jews were minor figures in brokering the sale of slaves upon their arrival in the Americas, and given the urban-dwelling propensity of most American Jews, few accumulated large rural properties and plantations where slave labor was most concentrated. According to Faber, Jews were more likely than non-Jews to own slaves, but on average they owned fewer of them.


As always, the truth is in the middle. And as always r2d2/rumba is a lying spambot op :)


Just like Fareakhan and Duke who promote this theory.