Anonymous ID: e3c043 Dec. 15, 2018, 3:47 a.m. No.4320143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0145 >>0174 >>0189 >>0193 >>0232 >>0249 >>0450 >>0609

This post indicates circumstantial evidence Q and Anons are having a real world effect, so is most possibly a (positive) NOTABLE for anons' morale, imo.


Youtube (owned by Google) has just changed their video search function, and has now auto-linked certain topic searches with Encyclopedia Brittanica definition entries. The only topics that they now suddenly try to front-run on seem to be 'conspiracy' topics that QRsearch is interested in.


Youtuber 'A Call for an Uprising' wonders why this change has suddenly occurred with Youtube, and investigates. (11min, 14DEC18).

Anons will know the answer why.


'''The topics searches linked with Encyclopedia Brittanica by Youtube are;

The Illuminati

September 11 or 9/11

Sandy Hook


Global warming hoax gives Global Warming

Mooon Landing Hoax gives Moon Landing

Freemasons, Devil-worshipping; Freemasonry, Satan gives Freemasonry



Topics found not to be covered (for example) are;

McMartin Preschool Trial


Bolshevik Movement or Revolution

Armenian Genocide

Cancer cures


The video is called;


(11min, 14DEC18) or


I am not connected with 'A Call for an Uprising' in any way, other than being a dedicated subscriber to his channel.

Anonymous ID: e3c043 Dec. 15, 2018, 4:10 a.m. No.4320232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0234 >>0243 >>0249

>>4320143, >>4320145


> >Anons will know the answer why.

>Spill, I've been in TwatHell for the past 36 hours and think I may have missed the answer.


Google is controlled by Cabal.

Cabal is worried by general public waking up, which is one of the primary missions of Qresearch.

So to stop the general public waking up, they are front-running conspiracy searches with 'clean' definitions of the conspiracies, supplied by Encyclopedia Britannnica, which is also controlled by the Cabal.


So the change to the YouTube search function by including said definitions is circumstantial evidence that Q and QResearch is helping to change the zeitgeist, and the general public around the world is starting to wake up at a faster rate.


Why else would they feel the need to start giving definitions for certain searches, espcially if it is only for certain conspiracy searches that they are especially sensitive to the truth getting out to the general public.


That is why I think it is NOTABLE.


I couldn't really give a sh-t about the (you), (have lots), it's more about boosting anons' morale with a legitimate example of real-world effects that we have helped affect. Therefore publicising it with a NOTABLE, will boost low-morale anons' morale if they see it.