>"You have more than you know"
Wow! That's a treasure trove. Has it been updated to include years after 2015?
>"You have more than you know"
Wow! That's a treasure trove. Has it been updated to include years after 2015?
This why we drink.
This why the CF investigators were pushing out their findings to everyone and their brother. Doesn't mean they won't get Arkancided, but at least their work will live on. (And hopefully sink the Klinton's)
>i dont know about you guys. but a US green card would be pretty epic!!
I hope that all our efforts here result in citizens being able to stay in their own country and culture and work freely and willingly together to make it the best it can be.
I'm not against a green card as a reward for foreign anons work, but I hope it wouldn't be necessary. MAGA/MEGA
>Chinese Drone (Sold to Pakistan)
Think we can than DiFi for shit like this.
Treason. Just. Call. It. Treason.
Thank You! I can just watch that shit all day. At this exact instant, the hilldog was chugging straight out of a hunnert proof bottle of vodka. Glorious!