Anonymous ID: 8f3d28 Dec. 15, 2018, 9:59 a.m. No.4323081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3088 >>3117 >>3170 >>3209 >>3457



I wonder why a fake and gay faggot such as yourself be wasting his time in a board "he" doesnt agree with its message. Why waste your time in qresearch?


Exhibit a:


>muh evil jews


Yeah. Whatever you say Brock:


>Poll finds Israelis extremely, and near uniquely, supportive of Trump, US policy. Pew survey shows 82% of Jewish Israelis trust president's handling of global affairs, 94% have favorable opinion of US – views which are out of sync with most other nations


>new survey found that an overwhelming percentage of American Orthodox Jews support President Donald Trump.


>According to the poll, which was commissioned by the US-based haredi Ami Magazine, 91% of American Orthodox Jews gave Trump a "Satisfactory" or "Very good"


Exhibit b:


“For me, respect and reverence for Judaism is personal. My daughter Ivanka and my son-in-law Jared are raising their children in the Jewish faith, always reminding me the important values and lessons we learn about leadership, resolve and families in Jewish tradition,”




Exhibit c:


Q #1822


>They want you DIVIDED.










Q #1263


>Think logically.

Attack the world?

>Are the people of France to blame?

>Are the people to blame or the ruling >class (leaders/controllers)?


applying logic:


Claims judaism is evil? - YES

Claims to support trump? - YES

trump has a jewish daughter and family in law? - YES

Does his "support" make sense? - NO

Posts shit that is against q's message? - YES

Stays on q research board even though he ia against the message and spams the hell out of it? - YES

Does it makes sense? - NO



Why is he really here? - MONEY




What is their goal:


  1. They get the fake msm to portray us as nazis for optics.


  1. They chase away normies.


  1. They use the time tested and contained narative of "the jew", since they want us to dig shallow holes. They dont want us to dig jewish subgroups. They dont want us to find the real complicated truth. They want us to get stuck on the easy and usefull to them, narative.


  1. They hide the real enemy, the old guard ruling families by putting the blame on the jews, all the jews, always the jews. This push is to distract us from focusing on the occult cabal. Worshiping minerva and y heads isnt a very jewish thing.


They want to divide us with more sheep vs sheep tactics. A time tested method.

Anonymous ID: 8f3d28 Dec. 15, 2018, 10:07 a.m. No.4323170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3210



Notice that ebot replied to this post. Usually the posts it replies to appear to be significant in updating the chatbots' scripts. Imo it signals them to analyze these posts and update their posting pattern accordingly.

Anonymous ID: 8f3d28 Dec. 15, 2018, 10:14 a.m. No.4323257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3483



You know why you always fail?

Cause you dont even get good developers for your spambots.

Our pal Rumba just replied automatically to a post that was directed to a completely different id. But since all these chatbots all run on the exact same multithreaded process, they glitch and we see scenarios when one bot replies to a post that is directed at another bot.


Go back to cleaning floors Rumba, spaming pasta propaganda is too much for you.

Anonymous ID: 8f3d28 Dec. 15, 2018, 10:16 a.m. No.4323283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3294 >>3739



Ebot needs to blend in and look like a harmless spam junkbot.


Notice that it always replies to the solid posts that do call out the other bots. It hides it by also linking to innocent posts.

Anonymous ID: 8f3d28 Dec. 15, 2018, 10:20 a.m. No.4323334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3380 >>3449 >>3547



Exactly. It is a sniffer bot, it sniffs that good bot attacking posts and raises a flag saying "these replies should be used by the chatbot software to update the other bots' behaviour and text".


Look at Rumba here replying with yet another automatic text pasta reply:



They keep the bots updated using the sniffer - ebot.