Anonymous ID: b32857 Dec. 15, 2018, 9:59 a.m. No.4323076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3184



He fucking no-showed… What did you expect? Justice? People doing their jobs? Psssshhhh… This is America, faggot. Land of the LARP, home the of the Jew-pedo.

Anonymous ID: b32857 Dec. 15, 2018, 10:06 a.m. No.4323166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3200 >>3282 >>3445 >>3549



You managed to kill 20 civilians, including 12 CHILDREN for your slave-masters, Israel. How does it feel to "serve your nation"? You must be so proud of yourselves. You deserve the benefits and honor you will receive upon your return from theatre. YOU are a REAL HERO. Not those fathers defending their children from terrorist-pedophiles and border-jumpers right here in America and getting cut-down, wholesale. Nope… YOU are the REAL HERO. If you had not killed those kids, hell… they might have later became suicide-bombers, attempting to attack Israel. YOU knew this, and took preventative-measures for the safety of us all… but most importantly, for the safety of Israel. And for that, YOU are a REAL HERO.


You deserve a medal. And preference for jobs and education. In fact, these things should be made more affordable for you. Because YOU are a REAL HERO.

Anonymous ID: b32857 Dec. 15, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.4323216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3293



Oh yeah, I get it… It is hard to criticize you slave-masters, when you're a slave.


God forbid our military members should have to do anything hard for this nation… or make any sacrifices… that would be awful.

Anonymous ID: b32857 Dec. 15, 2018, 10:17 a.m. No.4323293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3311 >>3322 >>3396 >>3571


My brother killed several men in Iraq… Men that would very likely never have been a threat to any one of Americans. I imagine these men's entire families want my brother, his family and his people dead now, as well. My brother defended Israel, not America. My brother did not help our nation, he helped create enemies of this nation. My brother was a pawn, led by politicians, to a slaughter. Not for his own nation's sake, or even for his nations people's sake. But for Israel's sake… You know how you always hear soldiers saying, "It's about the guy fighting next to you." Do you know why they say this? Because intuitively, they know they are not fighting for (You) and this nation, they subconsciously know they are fighting for their own survival, in a battle they should never have been in, for a nation that doesn't care about them.

Anonymous ID: b32857 Dec. 15, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.4323496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3506



Dude… I'm not sure America does stand for anything anymore.


I mean, who is "standing"? A handful of us? Shit, I feel like Tom Fitton is doing ALL the heavy-lifting. France is "standing". I commend them. And if anyone ever bashes the French in my presence again, I'll hit 'em in the mouth. My nation, this nation, has become a nation of sloths & sheep, with the mouth's of Lions. Everyone talks a big-game, but just can't seem to accomplish anything… there is always an excuse, and someone to blame, and it's never anyone's fault… Integrity has all but left the building in America. I didn't want to believe it, but we ARE a fast-declining nation. And the proper measures to save this nation are not being taken. Instead, it's more of the same, with different talking-points and methods of keeping an angry-populace docile.


I am an American… And I am ashamed. I'm not proud of my nation. I'm sorry. I'm not proud of a military that fights wars for "allies" who stab us in the back, constantly. I'm not proud of a justice-system where corruption is king and court. I'm not proud of a Marxist-led education system, designed to dumb-down and propagandize our children. I'm not proud of a social make-up that had paralyzed free-speech and made crimes out of opinions. I'm not proud of a medical-community that profits off the pain of the people of this nation, while pissing on the Hippocratic-Oath. I'm not proud of the cost-of-living and value of my currency, which leaves me not proud in my financial-limitations, which are most containing. I'm not proud of my nation's leadership, which consistently lies and mislead's it's people for it's own benefit more often than the benefit of the people. I'm not proud of… any of this. If I'm truly being honest.


If anything, I have spite for the state of this nation, rather than pride.


To those who are proud of this nation (USA)… what are (You) proud of? (Serious question) Because I'm just not fucking seeing it, anymore.


I'm proud of what is just. And what is good…


What is just in America? What is good? Please tell me…

Anonymous ID: b32857 Dec. 15, 2018, 10:38 a.m. No.4323556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3720



>"America's people are great"


Some… not all. And certainly not the majority.


>America's Constitution is great.


I agree 100%… I just wish that mattered one fucking bit? You've never been in a family court, have you?


>Both are worth fighting for.


Again, I agree… But then, why not fight for it? Instead, we fight for Israel.

Anonymous ID: b32857 Dec. 15, 2018, 10:55 a.m. No.4323760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3769 >>3794


Without Jews, basketball-Americans would be a much smaller problem.


90% of slave-ships that brought Africans to the Americas were Jewish-owned and operated. And, 40-75% of American Jewish households had slaves. Compare that to less than 4% of whites that owned slaves in slave-holding states. (Less than 2% in the entire nation).


People blame Hollywood-Jews for degenerating blacks, but their violent crime levels are right smack on par with violent crime levels in African nations from the same group. The kikes just ensure they don't better themselves while they're here, so they can do their intended "job" of weakening/destroying our nation.


The real problem, is ALL and ANY of them being here in the first place.


Make no mistake WHITEY…


(You) are the minority. You make up approx. 10% of the world-population and white-women of birthing-age make up less than 2% of the world population… JUST THINK ABOUT THAT A MOMENT, as you recall being chastised as "evil, white, slave-trading, colonialists", all your life.


We must repeal the Immigration Act of 1965 (The Hart-Cellar Act). This is the most dangerous and damaging legislation to ever have passed in this nation. It essentially opens up the gates of our nation to the third-world. Since it's inception, America's pan-European demographic had declined from 85-90% to approx. 60%, in short time. And we wonder why violent crime, welfare and drug-use continues to rise…


Over 50% Black, Semite and Hispanic migrants to the US are on welfare, for 3+ years. (Asians, have gotten their shit together, why can't they? Is IQ a factor? (Yes))


Over 90% of violent crime in America is committed by non-white perpetrators, when Arabs and Hispanics are NOT included as "whites" in reporting data, as the (((FBI))) does.




BONUS: Did you know that today in Sweden, 1 and 10 women will be raped by a Semite-Muslim migrant? And that 1 in 3 women between the ages of 16-24 will be raped by a Semite-Muslim migrant in Sweden?



Anonymous ID: b32857 Dec. 15, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.4323799   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Fuck you and fuck Q… I'm here to smash pedos and Jews. After you hit puberty, maybe you'll be able to think for yourself and let go of Q's hand too, faggot.