Tegna in McLean, VA (GANNET)
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tegna,_Inc.
Also Iridium Communications
https:// www.iridium.com
Looks like Jimmy Carter isn't clean either, ties to the King of SA:
"A recent editorial in Investor’s Business Daily, headlined “Jimmy Carter’s Li’l Ol’ Stink Tank,” listed a number of “founders” of the Carter Center. The names were drawn from the annual reports, and included “the king of Saudi Arabia, BCCI scandal banker Agha Hasan Abedi, and Arafat pal Hasib Sabbagh.” And, writing last month in the Washington Times, terror-funding expert Rachel Ehrenfeld described links going back to the 1970s between the Carter family peanut business and the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, whose Pakistani founder helped bankroll the Carter Center"
http:// www.defenddemocracy.org/media-hit/the-question-of-carters-cash/
Another in McLean, VA
https:// www.mitre.org
Looks like a Clown op to me…
The MITRE Corporation’s mission-driven team is dedicated to solving problems for a safer world. We are a not-for-profit company that operates multiple federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs).
At MITRE, we work across the whole of government, through our FFRDCs and public-private partnerships, to tackle difficult problems that challenge the safety, stability and well-being of our nation. Our unique vantage point allows us to provide innovative, practical solutions for some of our nation's most critical challenges in defense and intelligence, aviation, civil systems, homeland security, the judiciary, healthcare, and cybersecurity.