Anonymous ID: 7694f8 Dec. 15, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.4323876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3917 >>3931 >>3942 >>4006 >>4015 >>4017 >>4118

>>4323231 (pb retard)

>How many questions were from nobody anons versus somebody anons

Get the fuck back to FB. The whole problem with this place is the fucking stupid replacement population AKA YOU who do not understand the concept of ANONYMOUS. There is no such thing as "somebody" ANONS..what we have here are retard QanonFAGS who have come to replace ANONYMOUS. Replacement population has completely ruined everything about half culture and work. RUINED IT…you are nothing more than a limited hangout now. PIC RELATED


I, along with most other ANONYMOUS have returned to half…where, even with their KIKE mods is better than this place.


Replacement populations RUIN cultures. Q went to half…NOT the other way around….this was never meant to be a SFW site…but I'm sure the NSA has sorted exactly how to stop research and hinder any real efforts by watching how quickly a replacement population takes over a culture….thanks for teaching them how to do it in the real world too.




go to half and try "signing" your posts, go there and say the exact same shit you just said about " nobody anons" and "somebody anons".


I repeat, the replacement population has completely ruined everything about what infinity was..and the fact that you are doing it unopposed means indeed ANONYMOUS has, for the most part, left the damn house. I read here now to chuckle at the level of retard, there is no more motivation to do anything but laugh at your idiocracy.

Anonymous ID: 7694f8 Dec. 15, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.4324140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4333 >>4390 >>4438 >>4444


>Agree!! Pretty active here first part of year.

I've been on the chans for YEARS…this type of behavior is never ever allowed. ANONYMOUS has a meaning and these idiots are trashing it. They're also too stupid to scroll past what they don't want to see…they think that like FB we care about their feelings, they think that people want to hear about their religious shit, they think they're brilliant in wasting bread posting about their "outing" of bots when simply not responding starves the bot…it's like the greatest example of the dearth of intelligence I have ever seen and I'm sure NSA is laughing their asses off.


I don't know how much of the yassa massa Q responses are organic, I don't care…but what I do know is that IF ANONYMOUS were still in the house there would be NONE of that sort of thing AND his fucking feet would be being held to the fire.


This is one of the most bizarre examples of the lack of critical thinking I've ever seen, and 100% absolute proof of NPCs on both sides of the aisle.


Q has posted some of the most stupid shit…to see how many people would believe no matter WHAT the evidence shows, no matter WHAT it's previously posted? NO matter what the level of stupid that is posted the responses are YESSAMASSA…and anyone asking questions is called a shill…I don't even.


That whole Snowden bullshit is the most idiotic thing I've seen in complete contrast to previous posts that were not aimed at retards…NSA/CIA all clowns…not good..suddenly the NSA is our friend? Are you fucking kidding me..CIA is filth..but the NSA is the one spying on us from every corner of our lives ILLEGALLY I might add…and we'd never have known that if Snowden had not told us.


NOW…SNOWDEN is evil…but…Julian helped SNOWDEN escape Hong Kong…so you fucking know what you are being groomed for here? They will keep working you over until your wee brains are shouting for the execution of BOTH Snowden and Julian..just wait and see.


BOTH CIA, NSA are vile.they are not working for our interests, they are working to CONTROL us, our opinions and our actions.


RECONCILE THIS…we were told wikileaks is under control of CIA…(we have the source..aka Julian, which was of course a lie…which anyone with half a brain would know)…and CIA is running Wikileaks…aka don't listen to wikileaks they are comp'd..they might well be…in fact it is likely..but by who?


SO why would wikileaks post this? Which in effect, if run by the CIA, slams the CIA?


There is a game afoot and your retards are just pawns.


Is SNOWDEN is evil, JULIAN is evil…reconcile you fucktards.

Anonymous ID: 7694f8 Dec. 15, 2018, 11:29 a.m. No.4324169   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It used to be intelligent AND hysterical fun. Now it's a in your face example of IDIOCRACY, and how easily a settled population can be replaced.


I think we should fight back. You know what that means? KEK.

Anonymous ID: 7694f8 Dec. 15, 2018, 11:32 a.m. No.4324205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4277


>Truth. But you sound like one of them trying to lure us back to pol to maintain this cash cow.

KEK truth but?


Cash cow? /pol/? how is that?


Here you stay…and have you asked yourself WHO is paying for the server upgrades? Half has had a few already…and after failing the server stress test I've zero doubt there will be another.


WHO the fuck is PAYING for that..who the fuck is cheering the replacement population that has all but halted intelligent discourse?

Anonymous ID: 7694f8 Dec. 15, 2018, 11:37 a.m. No.4324248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4262 >>4326

NO LEADERFAGGING (pic related)


go the fuck back to where ever you fucking came from.


I have never seen ANY CP on here…even if it ever gets on /pol/ it gets removed straight way by the population reporting it…what's wrong with the retards here is that they're so allergic to "scary stuff" they spend more time complaining about grown women who choose to pose nude and post it online..because they "look young" holy shit…because the idiots have never seen pr0n before? Bewbs are scary? Perhaps the complaints are not completely organic eh?


Wasting time reporting grown women who look young..excellent work.


I don't give a shit what "offends" you, your fee fees and stupid ass worries are not "work" and yet you retards spend more time complaining about being skeered…than anything else.


This place is fucked.


The replacement population has taken over.

Anonymous ID: 7694f8 Dec. 15, 2018, 11:45 a.m. No.4324341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4359


>Let operators do their jobs. Q claims they are active. Learn to trust again.

HI, you must be a member of the pacification limited hangout. Welcome.


NOPE…after two fucking years…the ONLY people that went to jail are TRUMPS people…is that part of the "plan"…you get your balls all soapy over the hearings…please, engage ANY brain matter that may be in your skull case…and answer THIS…


IN the entire history of the US and special prosecutors and Congessional hearings, please, name me ONE…just ONE big player that no matter HOW fucking guilty they were…ever..ever fucking paid the price.


Welcome to reality..the reality of just how little power we the people have ever had…while we sit behind our keyboards..for two years>FRANCE has accomplished more in little over a month that we have in two years.


FuckingA…there's not a patriot left in this country that would lay down their life FOR their country…(because dying in cabal wars is NOT for this country.)

Anonymous ID: 7694f8 Dec. 15, 2018, 11:52 a.m. No.4324420   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Leaving from Rock Hill SC around 3AM, whenever we get there (8, 9 hours?). As close to the White House as possible.

How to protest safely…


assign rolls..

photo/video fag

medic fag

security fags..that means keep an eye out for ANYONE encouraging or acting in a violent matter, isolate them, call police. DO NOT wait until they do something. Watch for agent provactuers..the best way to out them is to surround them…they WILL run to and behind police lines.


ALSO …anyone protesting should use a handle…do NOT share any personal information WITH ANYONE you do not know…do not talk beyond protest NOT talk about ANYTHING personal. Be careful approaching and leaving the protest zone. Have the means to subtly shift your appearance so you cannot be tracked by cameras.


PRO TIP the police are NOT your friend but they cannot do anything TO you if you are proactive on violence stirrers. If possible take measures to disguise your appearance.


SOURSE? ME…from the days of Chanology…and being able to continue protests against the world's most evil cult without getting namefagged and attacked.

Anonymous ID: 7694f8 Dec. 15, 2018, 11:59 a.m. No.4324488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4522


FUN part…orange vests=hunting…hunting the crooked government…and OPEN fucking carry…the poor french have to tolerate being attacked by agents provocateurs because they can't open carry…


An open carry orange vest protest in places where open carry is you think PANTIFA is going to fuck with that? I don't think so.


And fuck you to any pantiwasteofskin that cries…MUH violence…YOU are not an American…or go the fuck back to school where you might learn that a rag tag band of farmers with their OWN long guns freed this country from tyranny.


And then realize that the ONLY reason we are not FRANCE, GERMANY, or any other taken-over country RIGHT NOW…is because of our 2n Amendment and the Americans who exercise that right, and the RIGHTS given to the people to replace a government that is not working for us.


Right now about the ONLY person working for us in our corrupt government is our PRESIDENT>who said himself…"there will be a revolt if they try to remove me"


that's all THEY have been trying to do since November 8, 2016.

Anonymous ID: 7694f8 Dec. 15, 2018, 12:04 p.m. No.4324532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4547


Copypasta ….Q went to half….not to FB not to deddit but half.


THEY ONLY reality that has cnahged is the replacement whinny ass culture like YOUR stupid ass posts..has ruined the entire reason Q went to /pol/…the most powerful intelligence force on earth…now reduced to nothing more than religitards and people skeered of bewbs.


FUCK off.


ANONYMOUS does not exist here.

Anonymous ID: 7694f8 Dec. 15, 2018, 12:08 p.m. No.4324580   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>It’s the only rally point that patriotis have to communicate, organize and executed

MOAR protest tips..





that means every area organizes in their area OUTSIDE of the larger coms.


NO LEADERS no way to stop the protests by arresting the leaders


DEcentralized planning means (((THEY))) have to split their assets among many many places…'


SOURCE? ME from one of the largest and most successful WORLDWIDE protests every in the history of anything…they could not stop us…




DECENTRALIZED planning…those assholes were playing whack-a-mole trying to shut us down.


See my other posts on how to remain safe and keep security tight when protesting (in order to avoid what the Frenchfags have faced).