Thank you Baker.
Thank you Baker.
They should've shot on sight.
Serial Brain: The Gematria says Trump is sending coded messages to me and only me because I'm the only one who can decode them.
Obama care being called unconstitutional was also a master stroke of genius.
Because of the financial penalty contained in Obamacare the Supreme Court called the law constitutional in 2012 because it fell under congresses powers of "taxes."
But Chess Master GEOTUS convinced congress to lower the penalty for not having Obamacare to 0$.
Then BOOM a coalition of 20 republican attorney generals and governors file a case against ACA based on the fact that being there is nolonger a financial penalty contained within, the law is no longer within congress's tax powers. The judge agrees.
The suckers in congress when voting to make the penalty 0$ didn't even think that would be the loophole used to break the whole law.
Well done Mr. President.
Was he locked away in the Bastille afterwards?
Wow. That is some serious people power. Can't have this sort of thing on the nightly news, people might get the wrong idea.