>>4324202 (pb 8chan POTUS)
just gonna tag this for now
its a 15
its not a clockfag
its a defcon
10 was yesterday
5 was day before
but both of those were misspelling deltas
IDK, just tagging it for now
>>4324202 (pb 8chan POTUS)
just gonna tag this for now
its a 15
its not a clockfag
its a defcon
10 was yesterday
5 was day before
but both of those were misspelling deltas
IDK, just tagging it for now
old guard cabal vs new age transhumans
its good to tag and bag
thats why i was looking for it
heard it read once but didnt bother to source it, tried a goog search yesterday but was sifting in a haystack. anon shares always quicker, hive mind and such.
now haters of clockfag, i sympathize btw, this one is simple and legit
suffice it to say now we autists go back to the q post 568 bread link and go back to what anon(s) were chatting about re meme troops in a live-fire drill on jan 19th and then now we can use Jan 19th for re read crumbs post 2184 and the sept 16th breads
-make sense?