As it should be, really. Kristol is a Neocon who is forehead-deep into the swamp. Sickos like him are why a good chunk of the American populace have perceived Republicans as public enemies #1, and Trump denouncing him is a welcome sight.
You're quite pessimistic. This shit won't be over at the snap of a finger. It's a massively evil system that needs to be dismantled from the ground up surgically. Let's be frank: we don't want to go marching out into the streets throwing molotovs with the possibility of our families and friends being caught in the crossfire like what's happening to France. They only do it BECAUSE they let the subversion get too deep. They had no safe alternatives to depose Macron.
We must play (((their))) game a little while longer. I have all the patience in the world right now, and I'm a New England millenial who only just woke to this tomfoolery for a mere year and a half. Emotions cloud judgement, and I'm not letting every perceived misfortune against patriots here get under my skin. It's happened enough already, but it's put me in quite a state of zen.
Thank you. And living where I do, I too used to be a freak who thought the 2A was an out-of-date ideal that had no place in modern society, but I eventually came to realize that it's the thread that has prevented the USA from full NWO degeneration. That's why it got so bad in key European nations like the UK, Germany, Sweden, etc. (Although from what I'm hearing, Swedish anons ARE armed to an extent. But clearly not enough to take back their country from the engineered migrant demographic genocide unless they act VERY SOON.)
I'm sure there's many anons here much older than I who have been waiting for much longer and have been fooled again and again with past administrations. I thought our last few presidents were shams, too, so they're not alone. But maybe there's hope for 30-somethings like I to finally smell the covfefe and call out all the cabal's sick enterprises while their public stupidity is becoming increasingly more obvious.
WEW, whomever tried to splice that footage together must be red in the face right about now.
Hundredth Monkey effect. I'm convinced it's a thing, and what we do here is seed those thoughts in the heads of family, friends, coworkers, and so forth. Yeah, we're going to encounter plenty of stubborn NPC-level programmed minds in the process, but for the ones that get through, it'll get more exponential until we hit the ol' crescendo.
Keep the faith. If the USA can stand tall and houseclean, it'll be the lead to follow for the rest of this prison rock.