based on lb interesting shill tactic lately - pushing AJ/Wilcock and other disinfo/gatekeeper agents as 'go reread drops q told you to follow this'
then calling you bot/shill if you point out how full of shit they are.
based on lb interesting shill tactic lately - pushing AJ/Wilcock and other disinfo/gatekeeper agents as 'go reread drops q told you to follow this'
then calling you bot/shill if you point out how full of shit they are.
incorrect interpretation.
he didn't declas because those docs while remaining classified gives him leverage over those 'allies'
I 'really' hate to say this given how the statement has been weaponized by shills lately, but honestly it applies here - reread the drops. Q directly stated as much in i want to say, Aug or Sep
spiking into an extreme is not - remaining in is.
Spikes up and down - even wide variation - is for the most part normal.
But the behavior recently is pretty unusual.