Anonymous ID: 0b2d9f Dec. 15, 2018, 1:16 p.m. No.4325354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5362 >>5972 >>5992

My fellow Canadian Anons,


I drove into town this morning and was greeted by about 30 Yellow Vest protesters along the highway near the town hall. While I commend them for taking the time out of their Saturday to protest the absolute worst Prime Minister in Canadian history, I can't help but point out that this movement is a futile venture. How many protests against the Liberals and New Democrats have taken place during the past 3 years? Countless. Has anything changed as a result? Not one bit. The arrogance of these leftist politicians alone is a force to be reckoned with, it's plainly obvious that they are hellbent on the destruction of this country and the people who are proud to call it home. Don't dare think that the Conservative party is innocent either. Stephen Harper and Jason Kenney laid a lot of groundwork that made this UN migrant compact possible, as well as preparing Canada for the Agenda 2030 initiative. The fact that Andrew Scheer waited until only a week prior to the ratification of the compact to officially denounce it should raise major red flags among conservative folks.


If we really want to make changes, then we must be willing to go further than staging simple peaceful protests that are easily ignored or twisted by the mainstream media, who take our concerns about immigration and sovereign borders and turn them into issues of race and xenophobia, which are not reasons why the majority of us opposed to these actions, are concerned. This movement is about the unfair treatment of Canadian citizens at the hands of the people who are elected to represent us, not rule us. This is about our tax money being wasted in massive amounts. This is about the flag of the U.N. now flying at our borders, an evil bureaucracy that takes it's marching orders from the world's banking elite. This is about unfair, uncalled for taxation being levied against an already taxed to death population. This is about the destruction of Canadian identity.


We can build signs and wave them at the traffic passing by all we want. We can scream, chant and cuss until we lose our voices and are blue in the face. We can share Facebook posts and memes to our hearts content. But it is now painfully obvious that all of these actions are pointless and a waste of our energy, this has been proven to be true through the continued disastrous actions of our blind and tone deaf politicians. If we want our beautiful Canada to survive then we must get more objective in this fight. We must put our busy lives on hold for the time being. It's small sacrifice that most can afford to make in order for our Canadian identity to live on for future generations.


We must begin to take bolder steps. Occupy the entrances all government buildings, allow no one in or out. Turn off all mainstream media and occupy every single media outlet, barring the entrance or exit of any media employee, who whether aware or not, are complicit in brainwashing and deceiving the Canadian people on massive levels. Set up camp at the office of every federal MP and provinvial MLA. Make these politicians scared to show their faces in public. Block traffic on major roadways, cause the day to day life to grind to a halt. Protest out front of each RCMP detachment, demand that this government and ALL current and even some former members of parliament are investigated for crimes. Set up in front of the court buildings demanding that those guilty of criminal activities, such as TREASON, receive the maximum punishment under the criminal code. Stop paying taxes of you're able to, bar the entrances of all Canadian Revenue Agency offices. We must hit these criminals where it hurts the most, OUR POCKETS. Have a means of personal protection on your person. Do not initiate violence or destruction of property in any form. Doing so undermines the objectives. Obstruction is the key to winning this, burning cars and breaking windows is not. The late John Fitzgerald Kennedy once said  "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable". Only when we are acted upon with violence by government resources we we respond in kind.

Anonymous ID: 0b2d9f Dec. 15, 2018, 1:26 p.m. No.4325451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5469


Context, dipshit. Protesting roadways and town halls has been done for over 3 years against leftists. It obviously hasn't worked. Re-read the post, wear your glasses this time.

Anonymous ID: 0b2d9f Dec. 15, 2018, 1:38 p.m. No.4325584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5594


You think hockey players are 'real men'?

Shut your pie hole, irrelevant anon #2.

Your country is obviously safe, my country is not. Just keep on fingerin' your butt hole and smelling your fingers after, fatass.