Anonymous ID: f392ab Dec. 15, 2018, 1:54 p.m. No.4325752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5773 >>5782

NOT MY INFO, but if I told you who wrote this you would know the name.




'On the Obamacare unconstitutionality: I get the hestiation re: Roberts, but apparently this judge applied Roberts to Roberts, saying 1) this is a tax, just as Roberts said; 2) it was legislatively TIED to the mandate; c) Congress repealed the mandate, therefore the tax itself is kaput. I don’t see how Roberts, even in his squirmy way, can get around this.


On the recent PP decision: This is NOT, as both liberals and conservatives have seen it, a verdict on “defunding PP.” There are multiple cases like this out there in the Circuit courts. The Sixth Circuit (including Arkansas) has endorsed an Arkansas version of defunding PP. So the USSC remanded this to the (I think, Fifth) to say, you guys sort out exactly what the issues are. There was far more in this than defunding PP. This is in larger part about what states must, and can refuse to, pay out of Medicaid. That’s why the confusion. The legalese in the administrative work is quite detailed, down to what type of procedures must/can be used prior to an abortion. All this has to be sorted out before it gets to the USSC. Kavanaugh and Roberts were not wrong on this.


On Trump: Mulvaney a good choice for CoS, but we’ll miss him in the budget works. He’s a Trumper and he’s organized-—the key trait you need in a CoS. Moreover, he doesn’t have a habit of running his mouth like Newt.


Conversation with Richard Baris. Realize, Rich has “his” sources like I have my (one or two), so take this or leave it. He admits when it’s “rumor”:



Anonymous ID: f392ab Dec. 15, 2018, 1:55 p.m. No.4325773   🗄️.is 🔗kun




He says a friend was at a Thanksgiving dinner with Tim Scott (SC) who was quite up front about the “plan” to take out Trump. (Rich’s friend is a Trumper, so, he may be embellishing). Anyway, the “plan” was twofold: run someone in the primaries against Trump and/or have a third party defeat him in the 2020 general, or (more sinister), let House bring impeachment and convict. Now, I’ve run “my” numbers and I think Trump has (barely) 37 SOLID votes for aquittal. I also, however, have two other groups: 6-7 “squish” RINOS including Rubio, Burr, Tillis, Sasse, and perhaps Alexander and apparently Scott who would vote to remove IF the House charge is sufficient. They will NOT (according to Rich’s source) do anything on the basis of campaign finance violations because it might bite them in the butt. But here is where the FISAs come in: according to one of Rich’s sources, the FISAs SERIOUSLY damage people like Brennan and some senators, including Burr . . . but one “story” is that someone in Trump’s family (perhaps Jared) is also endangered somehow. The other view is that the FISAs are Trump’s get-out-of-jail-free card against the Senate in the impeachment scenario.


According to Rich, the abuse is so massive we would all be sickened. For example, Burr has received massive kickbacks from DoD contractors when they would steal a patent on a piece of technology, the RETROACTIVELY have the FBI “raid” the contractor using an after-the-fact FISA. Again, this is Rich’s view, but he says the corruption is deeper than anyone ever dreamed and Trump is learning this.


I asked about the grand jury hearing the McCabe stuff: he says it’s true, and that McCabe is ratting on Comey. I asked, “How can this be if the Mulehead and RR elements in DOJ are so corrupt?” He said there are different elements in the DOJ, some legit, but some pro-Trump heads are finding sabotage even by their subordinates. So it’s a block by block urban warfare. He dismisses the notion of a “big sting,” but thinks we might get McCabe and, at the outside, Comey.


According to Rich’s dinner guest at the Scott dinner, the Swamp GOP is willing to lose 2020 to get rid of Trump. “We want to go back to the way things were” is the common phrase, and even for conservatives pleased with Trump’s policies and actions, to them he’s “too disruptive.” I.e., they want their little cocktail parties.

Anonymous ID: f392ab Dec. 15, 2018, 1:56 p.m. No.4325782   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ok, now this is pure rumor, Rich admits it, but here is what he’s heard and I pray to the Lord this is not true:

the “impeachment” scenario is all focused on making Pence president, and that he has very sneakily positioned himself as a guy with “Trump policies, but not Trump’s abrasiveness” and (this was the phrase) a “reluctant president.” THEY KNOW they cannot lose the Trump base, but are desperately trying to shift it away from Trump.


I don’t know if any of this is true. I have not heard the Pence rumor aside from a couple of malcontents on Twitter. BTW, I asked what happened to Sessions. Rich has a mutual friend, who has known Sessions for years. This guy told him he was dumbstruck: “That’s not the Sessions I know.” The conclusion is that the Swamp (Mulehead, or the FBI) has something on Sessions really bad and he was blackmailed into doing nothing. The guy said his behavior was totally out of character with Sessions’ history. Bannon had already told me Sessions was “scared.”


Understand, these evil people are going after your family, your businesses, and probably EVERY person who has commented or posted much on social media -—that would be you and me, my friends-—is on a list somewhere. Mulehead is already looking to expand his investigation into “conservative media.”


Finally, on AZ. I have not “heard” anything. But Monday I have a sitdown with the head of the AZ GOP. I’m going to press him to commission a DEEP study-—not a fluff GOP “oh we need more moderates” study-—on why Trump voters voted for Enema. We’ll see. I may know more then on Kyl’s replacement. Just a guess, but I’d think it’s Kirk Adams. he’s a Trumper, isn’t a “loser” like Ward or McSally, and is unknown enough to not have built up pockets of opposition in a bunch of camps.


Sorry for the somewhat downbeat report, but I call it as I see it. This is a very, very dangerous time. DemoKKKrats are in full control now of two of the most populous states in the Union and are bent on dominating the rest of the Union from those two power bases. Yellow vests may be coming to the USA sooner than we think.