Anonymous ID: f6329e Dec. 15, 2018, 1:31 p.m. No.4325494   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4325113 (pb)

>However, we need awareness and passion first, then order.

Local…follow the guidelines, UPLOAD spread…it will spread..suggest a CENTRALIZED planning area…you can even make it WORLDWIDE..we did and it worked beautifully…..but insist that each local area maintain their OWN planning space….that way the "watchers" have to spread out their resources to keep eyes on ALL the places at the same time. It was inspiring to go the evening AFTER the protest ended and watch the videos from ALL over the world…


Don't make it easy for them.


The police and the government are not our friends. IF we do this we cannot be FAIL like the stupid ass Proud boys…and if you think Pantifa is violent they've nothing on the clams….our techniques worked so well to isolate the violence that they gave up on that tactic about three months into it. KEK…we even had premade "this guy has a gun" signs that we would hold over the head of any PI sent in…and film them the entire time…because the plan was "he's a protestor" …NOPE…any of our CCL people who may or may not have been carrying NEVER let that be anyone coming in with long sign poles, backpacks they insisted on keeping on…nope…(we had staging areas…so those folks stood out)..anything you need DURING a protest you can manage to find a way to carry in your "costume" we insisted on NO backpacks so the violent folk could easily be singled out.


And it's clear there is NO intent to foster on the streets protests here. How odd is that? ALL the protest advice for those who wish to start orange vesting it (and I DO think ORANGE is very significant for the USA as pertains to our 2nd Amendment…we have it…the rest of the world..n not so much. It feels like ORANGE will differentiate…yet be unifying…the rest of the world wants the freedom we have…they will face armed violence from police and military because they cannot fight back…they'll have to take it, get shot down in the streets…there…the people are afraid of the government…HERE the government should fucking be afraid of us. OUR Constitution gives us the RIGHT….if Trump cannot remove the crooks, then it is OUR right to do so. PERIOD…holy cow the people who are so ignorant of the Constitution just blow me away.


FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE…that means does not mean FOR ISRAEL, FOR THE CLINTONS, FOR THE ROTHCHILDS…etc…it means US. WE…the people.



According to the movie and Snowdens escape story featuring Assange and his team…Snowden did indeed escape from Hong Kong to Russia..and he had to stay in the airport until an arrangement was made whereby he was permitted to leave and stay.


Whether or not he is still there is….anyone's guess. We have not heard from him at a long least not in any verifiable way…Assange either.

Anonymous ID: f6329e Dec. 15, 2018, 1:36 p.m. No.4325561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5587 >>5645


>Outraged Democrats vow to challenge

Everything…they vow to attack everything.


I am so sick and tired of the ENDLESS nonstop attacks on everything…one of these days i' gonna go in to poop and a democrat is gonna pop out of the toilet attacking my diet as soon as the turd hits the water.

Anonymous ID: f6329e Dec. 15, 2018, 1:42 p.m. No.4325618   🗄️.is 🔗kun


KEK….just looking in the mirror has to be pain enough for him…every. single. day…not even sure this is high test enough to be a soiboi. That's just sad.