>>>4326378 PB The Sick, Twisted Messages in “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina”
>The satanism thing seems to be lost on a lot of normies and npc's I talk to. They're fashionable atheists who consider it cool to not believe in satan and jesus, so therefore when you point out to them that pop culture is jam packed with satanism, they don't see what the problem is.
>All part of the enemies plan, I'm sure. But it's a tough nut to crack. Still haven't worked out this problem
This is why the hoopla when Q told us that only 20% of what the evil ones were doing would be exposed to the public. 40% is not good enough.
It is one thing to be "fashionably Satanist". It is another thing to figure out that human beings can be taught from an early age to accept sitting in a coliseum to watch two people murder one another for entertainment. (think Rome)
There is only one chance to "shock" the public into what is being done to them, NOW while they still have a culture that will not accept the murder of children for fun and profit.
The fact that Q said 90% would end up in the hospital is a good thing, not a bad thing. It means we still have time to get a reaction of outrage even by the "fashionably satanic". But this evil needs to be opened up, and the puss needs exposed while people will still puke it up with a gut reaction.
Once we allow people to slip out of higher culture and training, there is no hope.
Shock and awe is going to be necessary, and soon.
Those snuff films they have created are going to have to circulate in some manner, whether verbally described by a Judge at some tribunal, or, otherwise witnessed, people will need to understand the reality of this evil cabal and the reality of their actions before it is too late.
Morality is not innate.
Morality is a thing taught.
Justice is not an aspect of nature.
Justice is a man made concept.
The enemies are in the schools, and many in control of the internet. The UN is full of those nations who think nothing of acting like wild animals, stealing people out of Churches to harvest their organs.
We are witness to this. It needs to be SEEN.